Amazing facts of Wimbledon: The Greatest Grand Slam


Wimbledon which is held every year in London, United Kingdom, is the greatest tournament in Tennis. Every tennis player has a dream to play in this tournament, legends are made in Wimbledon, it is not only a tournament but it is a Mecca for Tennis fans. There are some amazing facts of Wimbledon which take it above every other tournament.


  1. Wimbledon first started in 1877.
  2. Wimbledon is played on a Grass Court.
  3. Players who participate in this tournament need to follow a strict dress code of all White.
  4. During this tournament almost 30000 kilo grams of strawberries are eaten.
  5. Andre Agassi didn’t play in this tournament for a few years because he didn’t like the dress code.
  6. There are 250 Ball boys and girls appointed for this tournament every year.
  7. Wimbledon always starts on Monday, which is 6 weeks before the first Monday in August.
  8. Wimbledon had attacks during World War I and II.
  9. Gentlemen’s Single and Double are all a five setter and except that all other are three setters.
  10. A Tennis Ball used in Wimbledon travels eleven countries from the manufacturing country to the tournament.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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