Amazing guide on: running Android apps on BB


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Blackberry is running through a rough patch, it had a massive market, it was famous among business professionals and entrepreneurs but then Iphone was regarded as the best phone on the planet with its awesome apps, siri, touch and smooth gaming and now Android is ruling the market as anyone can afford it and it has massive amount of apps which blackberry can only think off.

Blackberry had to make a return to survive and last year they did come up with a completely new, smooth and productive operating system The Blackberry OS 10. They now have 5 different phones running OS 10, the z10, z30, Q10, Q5 and Z3 also some limited edition phones like Q10 Gold version, BB Porsche etc.

They have had an update 10.2.1 which made Blackberry devices capable of running Android apps without side loading them. Almost all major android apps are running smoothly without any lag or trouble, it is an amazing stuff added by Blackberry, can you imagine a phone that can have two different operating system’s apps running in one piece of technology.

Well blackberry has done it, just lack of marketing is something they should look into as not everyone knows this feature in the new blackberry os but anyways here are the easy steps to run popular android apps on your Blackberry OS 10:


  •  Go to your mobile browser and download the Amazon or 1 mobile appstore or
  • You can also search apps by using search engines.
  • As you found your favorite app just download the .apk file
  • Locate your .apk file tap it and Install
  • There you go, now you can run Subway Surf, Candy Crush, Instagram on your favorite Blackberry OS 10.

Most apps should run smoothly on BB 10 which is a new OS but they are keeping it updated, soon BB will come up with 10.3 update which will have new exciting features. So wait and watch.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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