Amazing Home Remedies For Glowing Skin


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Wish to look attractive,ethereal and glow like never before?Try some home remedies and see a change.

 Here’s what you can do to achieve perfect skin.

 – Eat healthy and nutritious food rich in antioxidants. Cut down on oily and fatty foods replacing them with green vegetables, fruits and salads. It is the first and a very crucial step towards having healthy and beautiful skin.

-Wash your face at least thrice daily with fresh water and use a mild soap once or twice a day. Rinse off your skin gently with towel after every wash. It will help to exfoliate your skin and shed off dead skin cells and give a radiant and healthy skin.

-Combine 1 table spoon of milk powder, honey and lemon juice with ½ tbsp of almond oil. Mix them thoroughly into paste and apply it all over your face and neck. Let it be dried and then rinse off to get a perfect glowing skin free from dirt and other spots.

– It is also necessary to take 8 to 9 hrs of deep sound sleep daily. It also helps to better the overall health specially the skin.

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– Soak 4-5 almonds in water overnight. Remove their skin in the morning and grind them to a fine paste. Add 1 tea spoon gram flour, 1 tsp milk and 4 drops of lemon juice. Mix well and massage your skin with this paste for about 5 minutes to get a long-lasting fair and neat skin complexion.

– Take a full cup of mint leaves and grind them to fine paste. Coat your face with this paste and allow it to dry. Rinse of after 20 minutes. Repeat for 15 days.

-Take 1 tbsp each of olive oil and milk, add ½ tsp honey. Mix well and apply to your skin. Leave it on for 10 minutes. Dip a cotton swab in Luke-warm water and wipe off the paste from your skin.

-Combine equal amount of lemon juice and honey. Apply the mixture on your face and body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.

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-Take the pulp of aloe Vera and mix 1 to 2 tea spoon powder milk and one egg white. Beat it well, then apply to your face by a brush and when it becomes dry do another coat of it and do it repeatedly for ½ an hr. then wash off.

-Make a paste of 2 tbsp orange juice, 2 tsp honey, 2 tsp rose water and 1 tbsp fuller’s earth. Apply the paste over your face and neck. Wipe off the mask after 15 minutes with a moist towel. Wash off with fresh water.

-Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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