Tech review: Google’s Amazing Driverless Car


Its time we start preparing for our future technology involving the robotics, which are going to make our life real simple and make us depend on it for everything possible! As our work increases day by day, even a simple thing like driving our car to work or home seems like a waste of time and energy. Like always, Google knows just what we need! Google, with its new invention for autonomous car, is giving us one more reason to love it.

Google Chauffeur is the software, powering Google’s new technology of ‘Driverless Cars’. The project is currently being led by Google engineer Sebastian Thrun, former director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and co-inventor of Google Street View. The project team has equipped a test group of at least ten cars, consisting of six Toyota Prius, an Audi TT, and three Lexus RX450h, each accompanied in the driver’s seat by one of a dozen drivers with unblemished driving records and in the passenger seat by one of Google’s engineers. The system provides an override that allows a human driver to take control of the car by stepping on the brake or turning the wheel, similar to cruise control systems already found in many cars today. The system drives at the speed limit it has stored on its maps and maintains its distance from other vehicles using its system of sensors.

In April 2014, the team announced that their vehicles have now logged nearly 700,000 autonomous miles (1.1 million km). On 28th May 2014, Google revealed a new prototype of its driverless car, which had no steering wheel, gas pedal, or brakes, being 100% autonomous.

This was all about it being so amazing but at the end its all technology! In August 2011, a human-controlled Google driverless car was involved in a crash near Google headquarters in Mountain View, CA. Google has stated that the car was being driven manually at the time of the accident. A previous incident involved a Google driverless car being rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light. Google didn’t accept either of these incidents as the car’s fault, instead blamed the human operating cars!

There is the question again- Technology, a Boon or a Bane! Share your views on this!

Saloni Tolia.


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Smita Singh


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