Amazing Makeup Tips For Summer Season You Need To Know


summer makeup 1

Since summer is coming , it is time to refresh your makeup. Usually in summer season the makeup needs to be fresh and clean. It must look natural instead of heavy. 

In summer seasons, we tend to sweat a lot so for that reason it is better to wear light makeup and touch up throughout the day rather than wearing heavy makeup which could turn patchy and oily. 

Use a powdered foundation rather than liquid one in summer. As it will give a nice matte finish and will also control oil from the skin. It is ideal for summer season. 

Try to wear water-proof makeup like eye-liner and mascara as it will last a longer period of time.

Go minimal with makeup during summer is the best thing you can do.

Always carry makeup or refreshing wipes with you for you touch up and also carry a light powder for touch-up.

If you are going out for a party or a dinner outing then wear a semi-matte liquid foundation as it will look good and wont be that heavy.

If you want to have a tan on your face then use bronzer which will make you face glow and you will look as if you are actually having a tan.

You can use light blushes like peachy pinks or pinks which will look really pretty in summer.

Since your makeup will be minimal, use bright-colored lipstick which will complement your skin as well as your makeup. Bright peach and pinks will be huge this season.

Use those lipstick colors which brightens up your complexion so that will look really beautiful.

By doing all this you will have a fresh makeup face for summer.

You wont need much makeup in summer and the basic stuff which you might already have in your makeup bag.

Always remember to wear sunscreen under your makeup so that it protects your skin from the sun. It is the most important thing one must do, whether you do your makeup or not. Sunscreen is extremely important in summer.

Be Natural and Beautiful !!




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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