Amazing Reasons That Tell You That eCommerce Is Essential For Your Business


1) eCommerce Influences Purchase Decisions

When customers are deciding on a purchase, they start by looking online.

The website is showroom for customers, where they can research product’s and see all the reasons for deciding whether it is right for them or not.

Now imagine that same product is just a couple of clicks away from being theirs. A well-designed eCommerce site can influence purchase decisions by showcasing the product’s at its best, and making it as easy as pie to take action and make a purchase.

2) eCommerce Taps into Social Media

It’s a social world out there, with customers turning to social media such as Facebook and Twitter to research potential purchases.

For a smart business, an engaging social media presence can raise their company profile and encourage traffic and sales. A well thought out social media strategy marries well with a good eCommerce site, forging connections with buyers. Offers, competitions and other shareable content can be used to grab attention and encourage visit to eCommerce store.

Walmart takes its social media presence seriously, with a YouTube channel filled with useful videos, and a Facebook page that’s regularly updated with shareable feel-good pictures of their food.

It’s a seemingly simple strategy but it connects emotionally, garnering them a lot of likes – and custom.

3) eCommerce Is Convenient

Whether they’re just getting through the door after a 10-hour work day, or getting the shopping done at the crack of dawn before the kids get up, customers appreciate the convenience of online shopping.

eCommerce means you can fit into your customer’s busy lives, offering the products they want, when they want them.

Amazon is a prime example of the convenience of online shopping, with a vast online store of products available anytime, day or night. This convenience combined with a quick checkout process, order tracking and quick shipping is a winning combination.

4) eCommerce Can Broaden Your Brand

eCommerce can be used to broaden your range of products for sale, bringing you more custom and diversifying your sales.

When Apple first started ITunes, it was viewed as an IPod marketing tactic rather than a serious online store.

With billions of sales, ITunes is now a vital part of the global Apple brand, demonstrating how eCommerce can be used to broaden what a brand offers, diversifying and increasing sales.

5) eCommerce Offers a Personalized Experience

There are many ways in which eCommerce can be used to forge a more personal connection with customers.

For example, an eCommerce site could include personal recommendations, order tracking, quick customer service, or personalized rewards, allowing your business to offer the same kind of personal service online that you would offer face to face.

Flipkart has built an entire business, and reputation, around offering shoppers a personalized experience. Busy browsers can enter their brand preferences and size, and receive regular personalized newsletters.

eCommerce offers businesses a vital opportunity to offer their customers round-the-clock convenience

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