Amazing street Food In India


Street food is generally ready to eat food at stalls besides road side, though hygienically prohibited they are good for migrated people who do not reside in the locality. Hence it is cheaper for them to consume that food than to prepare at home.

  1. Chat, which includes pani puri, sev puri, ragda patis, dahi puri etc are amongst the favourite in teenagers. Many people travel to Madhya Pradesh to eat all such chat which are the local cuisene.
  1. Chole bhature, which come up from the Punjab style, with Punjabi tadaka, also can be observed vending on many footpaths of the country
  1. Vada pav, is the invention of Mumbai that every Mumbaikar is proud of. If u haven’t tasted it yet, u haven’t seen any Mumbai. (Enjoy it with Cutting chai.)

Vada Pav

  1. Idli sambhar, from south is now the breakfast delight of Mumbai.


  1. Dabeli, though originated in Delhi, can be cherished in all parts of country.


  1. Kachori, stuffed with dry fruits are the locality of Gujarat and Bikaner (Rajasthan).
  2. Pohe, is the national breakfast of Maharashtra and village people always find it easy to accommodate in new location whereby pohe or upma stalls are present.
  3. Rolls are found to be college favourites. Many collegiate relish the egg rolls or paneer rolls found on the road side kiosks.

egg-roll-starter-snack (1)

Culture is one thing and food is other. People tend to be conservative about culture but are quite open about food. Food thus connects our hearts.

-Vibhav Galadagekar

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