Amazing Tech Facts to blow your mind away


facts get it

  • World’s First Webcam was developed by Cambridge researchers to monitor coffee levels.
  • There are more than 4 billion people on earth who own a mobile phone.
  • Google uses data from smartphones to know the traffic
  • In 97, Bill Gates saved Apple from bankruptcy by investing 150 million dollars.
  • Heavy computer user only blinks 7 times a minute which is way less than the average user.
  • The First Hard drive was made by IBM in 1956.
  • Douglas Engelbart invented Mouse in 1963, it was wooden with metal wheels.
  • Domain names were free before 95.
  • Any google’s employee if dead, his spouse will receive half the salary for ten years.
  • Banner Advertisement in a website for the first time was introduced in 94.
  • Email came earlier before the World Wide Web had arrived.
  • Most of the virus creators actually work for different organizations.
  • First Web browser was released in 1993 and it was called as the Mosaic.
  • Sweden is the most internet savvy country with 75% users using it on an average.
  • If Facebook was a country, it would have been third largest country behind China and India.
  • is the first and the most oldest domain name ever.
  • Google has bought one company one week on an average.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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