Amazing Ways To Wear Printed Pants In Style!


Printed Pants

Printed pants are indeed a piece of versatile clothing and are trending right now. The latest crop of printed pants give you to liberty to pull off different types of looks,from a feminine one to an edgy one.
Here are different ways to wear them:-

1. For a summery look, pair your printed pants with a bright tank, flat sandals, and a statement necklace.A easy look which will effortlessly make you look perfect!

2. If it’s chilly, front tuck a tee and pair the look with a long, loose cardigan. Adding heels dresses it up more, while flat sandals will keep it casual.

3. Printed pants with sandals or heels look great but combat boots looks so fierce with them!

4. If you’re going for a bold print, like leopard, a neutral top is your best bet. The pairing of deep green with the leopard looks out of the world!

5. These pants are typically pretty high-waisted, which makes them perfect for boxy crop tops like this. Add a statement necklace and you’re good to go!

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6. Go for a super casual look by pairing your printed pants with a graphic tee and flat sandals.A really comfy look!

7. For a more structured look, pair them with a fitted blazer and heels.

8. Obviously, a chambray shirt looks amazing with printed pants. Button it up and tuck it in…

9. Or leave it open over a white tee. Add sneakers for a supercool casual look.

10. If your printed pants are tighter and more like leggings, pair them with an oversized sweater. Heels dress this up, while flats make it look more boho chic.

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11. Go seriously boho with a wide-leg pair and a basic tee with flat sandals.

12. Wear your pants with wedge sneakers and a graphic tee for an insanely cool casual look.

13. If you’re going out with your friends, try this look: tuck in a tank, wear heels and nice jewelry, and belt your pants. So cute!

14. Get a super summery look by pairing your pants with a basic crop top and a floppy hat.

15. Crop tops with these kind of pants look so trendy. Add moccasins and a crochet vest for a more boho feel.

Define your waist by tucking in a top and belting your pants. It will result in a very flattering silhouette.
Add a leather jacket to your look to make your outfit a little more tough and glam.


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Riya Lokhande


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