Amazingly Easy Make Up Tips For The Monsoons!



While all are awaiting for the rains to relieve us from the scorching heat, but monsoons also bring along humidity which is the main reason for all the skin, make-up and hair problems.

Here are easy-to-follow tips that would keep your make-up woes at bay:-

 1) Foundation:


Avoid foundation as much as you can. The humidity makes your face sweaty and as a result, you end with foundation dripping from your face. To help reduce sweating and make your make-up last longer; rubbing ice-cube on the face for 10 minutes after washing your face is always a good idea. Also, replace your foundation with face powder. However, while using face powder use it only to get rid of the greasy look and nothing more

ice cube on face

2) Blush:

When using blush, blending is the ultimate keyword. Use more pastel colors during monsoons. And if you get wet in the rain, just dab it with a tissue and not rub it all over your face. Keep the blush natural.


3) Eye-shadows:

The same mantra works for eye-shadows too. Use subtle colors like pink, brown, beige etc. Use powdered eye-shadows over creamy ones. This will prevent the eye-shadow from melting off on your face. Subtle colors like these make your face look more brighter as compared to darker shades. Thus giving you a more naturally beautiful look.


4) Mascara:

Mascara should be avoided as they smudge easily in water. However, if you want to, you can use water proof/ water resistant Mascara. They will at least stay for a while without getting smudged when wet.

5) Eye-liner and Kohl:

Use pencil Eye-liners instead of those liquid ones. For the perfect look, just apply a dash of eye-liner and a thin line of Kohl. This will not only look decent, but will also save you from getting messy even if you get wet.


6) Lip-color:

Matte is the best choice during monsoons. avoid gloss-based lipsticks as they smudge easily.  You can choose any shades, from bright orange, pink to bolder colors. Ruby reds and coral works best with every outfit. Also, using lip-liner guarantees that your color stays longer.


Following these simple points , you wouldn’t have to worry even if you get wet. So go ahead, have fun..get drenched and stay Beautiful.

-Harshali Amin

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