“Amazon.in” – A Boon or A Bane?


Amazon.in is an American electronic commerce which is head-quartered in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest India based Company in America. The company was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and today it is one of the largest visited site for online shopping.


1) Amazon handles all shipping, return and all customer support services. Its sellers make this a point that every product is available from A-Z without any worries and get it in the cheapest way possible.

2) Amazon gives us access to the lowest shipping rates all over the world. It has the largest and most efficient shipping center in the world.

3) Amazon gives the sellers a vast platform to sell their products without any limitations and they can make larger sales than they imagined.


1) Amazon has no control over their business when it comes to time to time delivery of products or proper shipping of products.

2) Though Amazon gives great service to its consumers, it also charges a great amount of money as fees for the account which limits the consumers to think.

3) Amazon products are attached with a unique product identifier (SKU) which has its own barcode. If the labels are not visible or easily recognizable , they tend to return their products which indirectly affects their profits.

Overall, Services provided by amazon.in are commendable that may or may not benefit your business.

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Nationality : Indian Education : First Year BMS Student


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