An amazing poem on Happiness



A big smile

Pasted on my face

Stretches my lips

Happiness it is


Small yellow butterflies

Dancing in my stomach

Making me excited

Happiness it is


I feel like

Singing and dancing

Not caring about the world

Happiness it is


The feeling

That has filled my heart

And makes me beam and bounce

Happiness it is


Everything seems

So cheerful and good

Not a bad thing around

Happiness it is


It’s taken over me completely

Yet I don’t feel like complaining

Enjoying every bit of it

Happiness it is


Had I wings, I would fly

Spread my arms in the

Blue sky


Had I fins, I would swim

Touch the bottom of the ocean

Happiness it is


I wish I were a fairy

Would spread happiness around

With my wand,


Remove sadness and misery

From every face and life

Make a happy world for all.


– Anjani Nautiyal 

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