An amazing poem on life- Life is Beautiful!


life is beautiful 2

Unpredictable and unfair, at times

A tad bit disappointing too

Also giving hope at times

Life is Beautiful

Every moment brings a new experience

Connecting a dots few

Every day opens a new chapter

Fresh like the morning dew

Excitement and anxiety

A mixed parcel of both

Happiness and gloomy days

A mixed baggage of it all

The moment you’ve lived

Would just pass by

Leaving a sweet or sour memory

Upon your fate is that

Plenty of lessons

It provides from the past

However there are no promises

For a tomorrow, none at all

Luck, chance, risk

Different names we give

It’s just our future life

In a simple way to say it

All the fuss and drama

We create daily

Can’t it all be avoided?

Yes, if we lived with simplicity

Only if we had the courage

To be ourselves

Just be the real us

And not care to impress

Speak our mind openly

And share ideas few

Not be scared to make fools of ourselves

And to openly express thoughts new

Why do we have to pretend so much?

That too in front of others

All the time wear a mask

Can’t we forget diplomacy and just be us

Relations are simple

But we insist on complicating them

Either they are truly yours

Or just some pretence

We’ve made a race in everything

Competing all our lives

Stretching our needs every time

Can’t we learn to be satisfied?

In finding happiness

Big and in abundance

The small little joys

We miss

We just need to look

Around us

To realize

How beautiful life really is.

–         Anjani M Nautiyal

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  1. It’s very good poem by Anjani Nautiyal. In Life we run after so many things which we presume will give us happiness and miss the beatiful things around us, ready to shower happiness,every moment. Though dipolomacy, manners and pleasant behaviour is of utmost importance, it will have a grace if it comes from within. Then you won’t have to wear masks and you will be a natural leader in all walks of life!
    Somebody has rightly said “You can not be unfaithful to anyone, if you are true to yourself!

    Keep it up Anjani!

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