An Elegant Flower Hair Updo For The Perfect Look This Spring!


flower updo

Spring and flowers romanticizing together, here’s how you can manage the perfect flower updo in a few simple steps:

  1. Prep damp hair by applying on some voluminous mousse or spray to give your hair the texture it needs.
  2. Dry your hair using a blow dryer and a diffuser. Create volume (especially in the hairline area) by using your fingers. Move them side to side while occasionally lifting the roots.
  3. Curl the hairline or crown section of your hair with a ½ inch curling iron. This will give movement and volume to your hair.
  4. For more texture, spray on dry shampoo like Redken’s Powder Refresh 01 and then separate the curls.
  5. Create a center part and then separate the hair into two horizontal sections from ear to ear. You’ll end up with an upper and lower section.
  6. First work on the top section: loosely gather this section and pin it on the occipital bone or middle of your head.
  7. Next, take the lower section and then loosely braid it. Once you’ve done the braid, twist it into a chignon (make it lie flat) and then pin it in place at the nape, keeping the hair from the top section underneath so it looks like one seamless style.
  8. For a softer, more romantic look, loosen strands in your hairline with your fingers.
  9. Finish this look by adding the flowers.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande

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