An Emotional Letter By A Daughter To Her Mother


letter to mom

Dearest Mom,

It is neither Mother’s day nor your birthday for me to write something like this to you.But somehow I really wish to, don’t know why.You have been tied up with domestic trivia and so have I.But today I wish to muster up the courage to speak my heart out.

Going back to the times I was a tiny tot, I have been an insufferable brat, whining and clinging to you. A kid who was so molly coddled and pampered that my demands were never shot down. Even today, no matter how unreasonable my demands have been, you have catered to my every whim even if it means sacrificing something for you. Nobody dares to coo over that.

My life today is cushioned and a bit too comfy. Truly, owe the credits to you for soothing all the ruffled feathers and for believing in me when I ceased to believe in myself.For the bouts of sleepless nights you have passed with me when I have been traumatized and agonized over something. Those nocturnal odysseys we passed together where you did not let powerlessness daunt in me.

There has been a semi – weepy me , broken out in hives and there has been a truly inspiring you.A beacon.When I lay down in pain, it’s you who understands that without me having to speak.My dreams are yours and those golden glints dancing in your eyes every time I make you proud.

Whatever I am today, I attribute it to you.For being not that superficial brittle women but devoting all your energies in being a home – maker.

Things haven’t changed that much for me. So much so that even with my fussy eating habits, I still continue to eat it if you feed me with your hands. There are times my sensibility is wounded beyond any body’s  limited powers to heal it but here is a women who does it in no time. I have been touched by the poignancy of your gestures. We have had some amazing moments together. And I’m sure as you read this, we are sharing another deeply moving moment.I love you to the moon and back.

Yours always,



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Riya Lokhande


  1. I’m so touched by this.You indeed have the gift to touch any body’s heart with your words.Little did I know that one day my tiny tot will grow up to write such brilliant stuff that I will be so proud of this talented tot who has managed to reach the horizons of success which I always wished!I love you -a very proud mom!<3

  2. One amazing piece Iv read.You really have command over your language and the ability to express so beautifully that you can make someone cry.

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