An FHS Related Career? Ofcourse It’s Possible!


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Foundation of Human Skills teaches us to focus on understanding and discovering our skills and abilities and understand each other in the process. Can there be a career in a subject that is bordering on arts and scientific background for an all in all commerce student? Yes of course!

FHS gives you an insight into people and the smooth functioning of of a company is always determinant on it’s assets, so if you have a keen interest in the subject you can surely look out for career options dealing with similar work load.

Can There Be A Career In FHS?


As far as FHS is concerned, the course in your BMS is of moderate level in difficulty and quite easy to grasp and understand. It teaches you the basics of human psychology and provides insight into the reasons why we do certain things as individuals or in a group.

This understanding is  a must for all managers, so even if you opt for a career in marketing, finance, HR or back office and administration the lessons you learnt here will be very helpful in developing good relations with your peers and colleagues and will help in controlling your subordinates.

An hierarchical structure can’t be missed in any organization and the basic understanding of human kind is the core of a successful professional life. If you would like to pursue it in depth then a psychologist or a psychoanalyst is someone who is in great demand in organizations today.

Mind you a psychologist is way different than a psychiatrist who is a doctor while the former isn’t. Human life especially in the corporate world is full of stress and at such times people who can act as psychologists or councilor’s can prove to be very helpful in easing away stress and dealing with problems faced by employees in organizations.

The HR department that deals with all the human resources in the organization is also your calling if you have a keen insight into dealing with people and their problems on an interpersonal level.

There is also a huge demand for eminent speakers who can give talks on motivation, stress management and a positive way of life in the corporate world today. Companies want to ensure that their core assets – their employees are mentally an emotionally sound and in order to help them get there, frequent talks and seminars are arranged by certified psychologists and counselors to help people live a healthier life and improve their productivity levels at the work place.

How Do I Get In?


To be a psychologist or a counselor needs graduate and post graduate level studies in the particular field of specialization, which in case you are a BMS student is something you would not want to switch to, in such cases a career in Organizational Behavior is just the thing for you as they run in parallel with your interests of FHS.

What can I do?


Take up your masters education in Organizational behavior, training in the field of organizational behavior relates to management, statistics, communication and program development for large and small organizations. Bachelor’s degree programs offer instruction in the fundamentals, combining courses in business with the social sciences. In a master’s-level program, students learn to collect and analyze data as well as designing research projects, while doctoral students examine case studies in human resource administration and engage in in-depth research.

OB-related jobs exist in every industry, from law to healthcare to financial services to hospitality, so take the time to narrow your focus. What industry do you wish to enter? Some large companies recruit OB graduates into rotational training programs in HR or general management.

What will my work profile comprise of?

question mark

(Any of or a combination of the following)
  • Assignment or Identification Clerk
  • Assistant Business Analyst
  • Consultant
  • Financial Advisor
  • Human Resources Assistant
  • Interviewer
  • Management Consultant
  • Participant Services Specialist
  • Payroll Administrator
  • Recruiting Assistant
  • Teacher
  • Travel Planner

You can scale up from trainee level to managerial level, followed by department head to achieving a position in the top decision makers of the company depending on the industry you are into and the company you get absorbed into. 

Hospitality, tourism, technology, human resources, manufacturing, finance, consultancy are among the industries in India that you can get into. Top paying companies in India and abroad have packages as per industry standards, private companies and government companies both pay handsomely in this field.

Global companies also have a huge requirement for professionals qualified in O.B. The fact that you need to keep in mind that whatever your field of specialization, there is always a good opening for someone skilled in O.B as they require working as part of the managerial staff to resolve organizational issues, solve complex business problems as a management consultant, or relate to employees as a human resources professional.

In case you missed it: Your Complete Kickass Study Guide To Foundation Of Human Skills (FHS)

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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