An Illustrious Year with Sathaye College


Sathaye –means “Lord of Hundreds and I believe it truly stands by its meaning. Words fall short to describe this incredible historic institution which was established in the year 1921, famously known as Parle College. It is said that at the end of rainbow we find a great hidden treasure, and my college can be perfectly personified to a rainbow. The Culture, the Faculty and Staff, the Ambience, the Students, every Department, the Teaching Methodology, Lively atmosphere and its Sustainable Infrastructure are just like the seven layers of a rainbow.

This BMS journey for me has been like a pocket full of surprises and it is these surprises that keeps all the students on their toe’s almost every time. Here knowledge is not just theoretically poured but a practical exposure is also pumped in. The faculty of BMS believes that half knowledge is dangerous and it is indeed true!

To fulfill this gap special sessions called the “Economic Times Sessions” are organized every alternate days and we are encouraged to bring out the current affairs in the business world and have a discussion or debate on it. These things trigger the minds of students and help them think in a parallel dimension.

A thesaurus that would best describe our faculty would be “GEM”. They are professional, dedicated, compassionate, and innovative. One amongst the best is Dr. Lata Krishnan who I admire the most for her unique style of teaching with enthusiasm and unimaginable intelligence, Mrs.Savina Shenoy who is creative and an explorer of different activities. Mr. Shashank Pai is famous for his humorous teaching and is one amongst the popularly liked professor. His lectures are a filled up with a mixture of studies with fun called a “Funtastic” teaching way. Mrs. Tejashree Datey our BMS coordinator has been a symbol of a well managed lady manager known for her calm, sorted and approachable nature.

Classmates can be described as 3’Cs – Caring, Creative and Courageous. They are a mixture of extroverts, introverts and ambivert, fun-loving, helpful and reachable at any time any where just like a telecom network. Organizing contests, annual function seems to be so much simpler with team efforts.

My college may not have fancy decors like desks, air conditioners and an A.V room but it has simplicity at its best. It is just not limited to faculties, students and décor but there are others who have an equal contribution. Canteen person ensures that hygienic food is provided to all students at a cheaper rate (sometimes even on credit). The Photocopy guy makes sure that the notes are printed in advance (Though notes are highly in demand just before the exams). The admin department is busy collecting documents and cash throughout the year. (Fees and sometimes fines too).

Last but not the least, the contribution of our college security guards ensures premises are secured. Also the part played by peons and lady workers to keep our college neat, clean and hygienic is what makes Sathaye Best amongst the Rest!

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