An initiave reinforcing patriotism by the Lala Lajpatrai Rotractors


By Misbaah Mansuri

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As it was our 69th Independence year, Rotaractors of Lala LajpatRai College Of Commerce and Economics took this initiative to prove that we are True Indians and to show  respect and gratitude towards our National Flag.
Since past 5 years they have been doing this project and this year we are awaited from the start of August to celebrate our freedom.

So they celebrated this freedom in 4 phases. Our first phase was an online write-up where we took reviews of our very own DCM’s , past presidents and our clubs alumnis regarding our issue and our initiative. Their second phase was held in Lala LajpatRai College on 8th  August, targeting youths to share their thoughts on this issue and they enthusiastically supported our initiative. The Third phase was held from Fort(Fountain) to Churchgate Station followed by the areas near KC college and later covering Oval Maidan and ending it up at Gate Way of India from 9:00 a.m. onwards there was a March and picking up flags that were discarded or that were thrown away on the streets disrespectfully and making people pledge and also spreading awareness for the same. Later on next day, the collected flags were given to Government Authorities to bury them officially.

They collected 157 flags which were thrown n abandoned on the road and proved that patriotism still thrives in our hearts instilling optimism.A salute to this noble intitiative by the youth!


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