An Insightful Guide To Write Perfect Answers In TYBMS Sem 6 Exams


Hello TYBMSites! As exams are nearing, here we present perfect tips provided by the sem 6 toppers to score good marks in your Sem 6 exams :



1) Snehal Vare, S.K. Somaiya college:

  • Follow points format with Intro.,main and conclusion. And for theory just understand it and learn as it will help to write answers for any questions, don`t just by-heart.
  • For practical subjects, practice different types of sums daily .
  • Easy subject is IAPM, IMTP, OR.
  • For case studies think as if you are in that situation and how would you react to it, is the answer.
  • Entrepreneur Subject think yourself as entrepreneur and give the answers.
  • IF & OR practice more problems and IF theory.
  • IMTP just read and understand it.
  • IAPM imagine yourself as an investment analyser.
  • IM as marketing of any product internationally.


2) Mitul Dharawat, MKS College:

Theory subjects— make sure you know all concepts, refer to past papers, add examples, draw diagrams, neatness, underline important points and prepare for the most obvious questions well in advance, it will save huge amount of time during the final exams.

Practical subjects— stay updated, do not restrict yourself to the portion, try for a zero cancellation answer sheet and the most important


3) Juili Balal, D.G. Ruparel College:

Perfect practice makes a man perfect. Therefore, it is pivotal for you to practice the practical subjects everyday. This will give you a lot of confidence.

I did not use any reference books. I followed only the textbooks by Vipul / Himalaya publications. They will suffice all your needs.
For case studies, it is important to read the case study first and understand it at the same time. You should be then able to relate the case study with the topics that you have already studied. Once you do this cracking the case study is extremely easy.
For writing answers, make sure you write all your answers in POINTS. This gives a very good impression and there is a possible chance that the examiner will give you extra marks for your presentation of answers.
4) Huzaifa Hotelwala, Burhani College:
For me IMTP was easy, even Retail and Marketing. International Finance is Difficult. Entrepreneurship, OR are well to do subjects. If you ask me I would prefer writing 4 sides of sheet for a 10 marks answer, 1 and 1/2 is enough for 5 marker or 2 for a short note. Answers should be written in systematic manner like writing in points giving bullets, first should give a summary and then actual answer points, I think a practical day to day knowledge would help you in writing the answers, even for case study a brief summary and always try to use concepts while answering case study. It can give more weight-age to the answers. 
5) Noaman, Tolani College:

Three magical things if person applied in life he/ she would transform his world into heaven:

1. Hard work.

2. Dedication

3. Belief.

If student is hardworking and dedicated towards his goal then person can crack any exam of life. Person should believe in him/her and should always think ” the person he always sees in mirror is the best one….

I attempt case studies at the end but I always divide equal time to all the questions and tried to complete that question in time. I always kept last half an hour for case study. For all theory subjects I used Rishabh publication and for Practical subject Vipul is good option.

6) Ruchika Didwania, K.C. College:

I think even if you don’t study regularly, be in touch with the subject through lectures. It is of great help in the end. International marketing seemed easy as most of it was covered in earlier semesters and also retail management. I guess simple way of writing the answers always works! And as far as case studies are concerned try finding the answers in the case itself. For most of the subjects the books of RPH were of great help-easy and simple.



7) S.K. Minu, Vivek College:

Always underline the main things, the key words while studying. This will be a great help during the exam time. Always write examples with a pencil besides the note. So whenever you study you will have a look on the examples and this will make sure you write those examples in the exam. And for subjects like Operations Research, Investment analysis and Portfolio mgmt and International Finance you need to practise daily for scoring good marks. Write all the exam papers neatly, underline the important words. Your handwriting should be legible, leave enough space between 2 answers or preferably start the new answer from a fresh page. Always write examples at the end of the answer and in practical subjects underline the final answer. ALWAYS USE THAT PEN IN THE EXAM WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN USING THE YEAR THROUGHOUT BECAUSE THE SAME BRAND PEN WILL BE MORE COMFORTABLE TO YOU IN WRITING SINCE YOU ARE USED TO THAT PEN.



8) Anshruta Loyalka, H.R. College:

I think for the theory subjects a well presented paper written in point format, with important points underlined and diagrams made wherever possible would help.
For the practical papers however, the only way to crack them is loads of practice through the semester.



9) Sagar Kaka, Tilak College:

For me, it has always been about ‘learn and execute’ philosophy. Make sure you refer the past university question papers. They are of a great help. For theory subjects, read everyday and apply basic knowledge onto your paper. Subjects like IF and OR should be constantly practiced. As it is said, ‘practice makes a man perfect.’

There is no such thing as easy or hard. It depends on how you look at it. Subjects like Retail Mgt, Entrepreneurship, International Marketing and IMTP are interesting and requires you to understand and apply general concepts. So just know your points and elaborate with examples. However, subjects like IF and OR can be easily cracked if only there is constant practice and focus.

Students need to understand that there is no right or wrong answer whilst solving case studies. Just imagine yourself in the situation and give your opinion on it. Practical subjects’ case studies are more technical oriented and requires you to know certain concepts.

I’ve used Rishabh publication for most of my subjects and Vipul for OR only.

10) Sanjana Ail, Saraf College:

Don’t study just before the exams. Set the goals of the subjects you have to complete for that day or week. Remember the key words and always try to enhance them in your answers. Be brief and precise, improve your vocabulary. I used to read only the text books more.



11) Avani Patel, Vivek College:

For practical subjects, practicing various types of sums daily from every chapter will help (refer past papers). Theory subjects should be clearly understood, mugging up answers will only lead to confusion. Main points should be particularly underlined and writing answers in point form will always fetch more marks (presentation is crucial). Don’t just fill up your answer sheets, because at the end quality is what matters the most. For case studies, try to understand at first glance. Try to relate case studies with the topics that have been studied and  just summarize them in short.  Books of Vipul Prakashan and Himalaya publishing were found quite easy and simple.



12) Vivek Pange, Bhavans College:

Be regular in lectures and clear your doubts immediately. Don’t keep them till the end. Try to help others in different subjects.  It not only helps to clear your own doubts but in the process your own revision is done. Prepare a separate book for formulas or shortcuts for long answers. It helps in last minute revision. Study and solve the last 5 years papers of all subjects. It really helps in forecasting the university paper.


13) Rahul Tiwari, Patkar College:

We must be free and relaxed one day  prior to Examination and don’t lose confidence. Easy sub for me was OR, International marketing, and Entrepreneurship. Presentation of paper should be attractive.

Relate the case studies questions with the relative concepts.

14) Krishna Pandey, Patuck Gala College:

In 6th sem i took retail management in optional subjects. So for me retail management is the easiest subject in sem 6th… there is no special way of writing the answers, but yes always write the concept of the specific answer and try to impress the examiner by good hand writing and express the point of view in best way in the exam paper.. and from my point of view Vipul Prakashan is best



15) Urvashi, Dnyan Ganga College:

Understanding the subject i.e the concept is important. The easy subject for Sem 6 is Indian Management Thoughts and Practices and International Marketing as well as Retail Management.
Brief answer should contain Definition then Head points later its explanation and last but not the least conclusion. Case studies should be read by any students for 3 times and they should allocate 45 mins to case study.
I think Vipul Publications textbooks are good in content as well as language.



16) Himali, Viva College:

See if you open your books just a few weeks or a month before the exam, it’ll not help. You need to know what is in the portion in order to crack a subject. I had this habit of noting down the sub-points of all the answers from the chapters in a separate book so that it could be referred to during the exams as a last minute revision.

Case studies are nothing but the twisted version of a particular concept. If you know what the case is about, you’ve cracked it. That is the reason I am focusing more on “being conceptual” from the very beginning.

The only special way of writing the answers in the exam that I’ve learned is of writing each and every answer either in paragraphs or in points.

Every subject has its own technicality that has to be dealt with.

  • Like for International Finance and Operations Research, I would recommend practicing them from the very beginning. Practicing is the only solution that will help. IAPM has limited practical chapters and is a bit easier.
  • International Marketing and Entrepreneurship– they require more focus on the conceptual aspects because they are loaded with concepts. I could possibly study them by getting to know each chapter at its core and then noting down the sub points for each answer and thereafter focusing more only on those sub-points.
  • I was more comfortable with Indian Management thoughts and Practices as it required me to put my own views on the paper during the exam.



17) Saloni, KES College:

International Finance and OR need daily practice, IF has 20-25 marks practical sums which one must master while IF theory should be studied using logic and not byhearted, IMTP is the easiest subject where thorough knowledge of basic concepts will be enough to write the answers.EM, Retail Management and International Marketing are also easy subjects. For every theory subject with 4 units be thorough with 3 units and you could rush through the remaining 1 unit. Rishabh publication’s books are extremely helpful. Go through all the board papers the will surely help you.



18) Gourav Poddar, Reena Mehta College:

 Well as a student comes in ty his answer should not be monotonous but in to an extraordinary way. It should comprise of Introduction, conceptualization,explanation, diagram,and then conclusion for 10 marks . For concept questions it should be consisting of all technical vocabulary,and a definition with relevant examples.and the case study should always start up with an overview,facts,possibilities,one possible solution,diagram & then a conclusion- I had got this knowledge from my Prof. Disha.Soni. She had made me writing around 30-35 prelims exams of 1 subject where i had justified by scoring 46 marks in externals(IMTP). My main funda is not to do Donkey studies but always to practice Smart work in exams,class participation and then in your life & so on.
Collect as many notes you can,do not compromise while studying Definitions, practice OR & IF hardcore which includes from CA books,other classes books. Ensure you bifurcate the exam sheet in to 2 parts i.e 1st should comprise of sec 2 and allocate first 18 pages & then the remaining 12 pages for sec 1 because i had made many research on writing papers in to a promising way and many a time challenged prof about how to allocate the paper sheet.
19) Kunal Kotak, K.V. Pendharkar College:

All subjects are easy. Clear your concept so that you can write the answer in your words is the insight to crack the subject before exam. Write the answer by keeping in mind the marks allotted to it. For eg; For a 10 marks question we have to write the intro, definition & for 5 marks we have to directly start with the main answer.  We have to try & give practical examples in our answers as far as possible. For case study first read the questions & then start reading the cases study. So we will get an idea about what questions are asked & how to answer it. The reference books used for 6thsem for all subjects was RPH publications.



20) Shruti Modi, Nagindas Khandwala College:

The answers should be written in clear and good handwriting, it should be written point wise, highlight the important points, leave proper space in between the answers wherever required. Length of the answer should be acc. to the marks allotted.
Read the case study first and understand it well, then relate the case with the appropriate concept of that subject. Than present the answer of the case study with 3 paras:
– Introduction
– about the case
– conclusion
I used a combination of 2-3 books for studying but RPH and Vipul comes handy.



21) Prathamesh Gawade, NES Ratnam College:

The most important thing to crack any exam is to have trust and faith in thyself. If you prepare your mind-set that you are ready for the worst and can handle the toughest possible condition. You can simply crack any exams. Nothing is easy nothing is hard it’s just what you like or dislike. What you are good at or what you think you are bad at makes the difference, some may think they are good in theory subjects but bad in practical subjects and vice-versa. Just a simple tip to all my fellow BMSians theory is easy if you understand the concept and practical is easy if you understand the logic. So always try to understand the concept and logic rather than rote learning or ratofying.

As per me answers should be written in systematic point manner to make them look good as well as large in size. Use suitable current examples to make your answers stand out from the rest. Facts and figures along with diagrams are just like hot chocolate topping on vanilla ice-cream would be delectable for the paper assessor.

If you know your concepts well and you are firm with the logic of practical subjects then every case study is a walk in the garden. You have to stress your brain a bit and do little bit of correlation of concepts and case answers.



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