An Internship with the BMS Team? Challenge Accepted?


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Hello everyone, I am Ami Pandya the Content Manager at and I am writing this post because, one of the best people I have come across in the past year (who also happens to be my senior and the General Manager of Parvathy Ma’am asked me in the morning whether I could share my internship experience, and I was jumping with joy at the idea!

Team BMS is a young, energetic and crazy team who is madly passionate about their work and consider the site as their biggest accomplishment, and I am no exception to that.

I recall going for the first interview of my life at the BMS office and how well Kartik Sir (Managing Director of Management Paradise Solutions Pvt. Ltd) , guided me even though I had forgotten my C.V for the Interview, I mean who forgets their C.V, but well I just did!

I got the internship conformation call when I was in the train, coming back from my Industrial Visit; bad network ensured I couldn’t hear anything except Sir telling me we have planned to take you on board and I was so happy I was literally jumping inside the train make it a pretty entertaining site for everyone on board! But well isn’t that how everyone reacts when they get a chance to be a part of something so prestigious and huge?

Today I have the capacity and opportunity to manage the entire content team, of one of India’s leading education web-portals and it is all because of the guidance and transparency maintained by the organization. The environment here is extremely supportive and we try and push each other up to get the best out of each other, instead of pulling people down.

I carry on the legacy to my interns that my seniors have given me,  throughout the time I have been here. Mentors for team BMS, Kartik Sir and Pratik Sir, are always helpful, supportive and trying to ensure I am skilled to the best of abilities in a way that I shine out in a crowd. Ever smiling and encouraging our mentors are our best appreciators and worst critics, helping us improve at every stage and everyone who has been associated with the portal will vouch for the same.

But hey, this isn’t just my story, “What can be a better place for internships than” asks Karan Mange one of our craziest interns till date! “It’s not a mere three months of internship, its three months of vigorous learning, acquiring knowledge, experience and evaluating yourself. Wanna test your capabilities.. take up the internship.. I assure you, it will be worth it!” he says.

“Working with an organisation which molds the personality of an individual into a complete professional, is a dream which is seen almost by everyone in this world. But by fortune, I was one among those whose dreams actually come true!” says Ojas Barve, who worked with us the chief correspondent – social media. 

“I would just say that a potential employee needs a pure environment, co-operative colleagues and motivating seniors. And fortunately, I have won all the three at All I know is that, my relations with and the team would never fade away with time!”,  he adds.

At we bench mark against ourselves to improve and grow, we guide, help, support and take everyone’s opinions seriously. We love our work and the compassion and love for the site is clearly reflected in our work!

Nimesh Shah, who interned with us during the very prestigious BMS Academic excellence Awards, says the internship stint changed him completely as a person. From someone who had been in his own comfort zone, gave him the opportunity to talk to 100 toppers and coordinate for the multimedia segment of the event, which taught him all the management funda’s of team work, target achievement, facilitated better communication skills and ensured him a great position in one of the top IT companies, just because of the tiny mention of the BMS internship.

Hop on board if you have realized by now how life-changing this experience is going to be, just make sure you share the level of commitment and passion for your work and our site, the doors of this organisation will always welcome you!

But the question stand’s, do you think you have it in you to be a part of our totally awesome

You can always click here if you feel “Challenge Accepted ;)” :

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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