An MBA or An MMS? Sorting Out Your Dilemma!



The most stressful discussion which you and most BMS graduates are thinking of, to enroll for an MBA or MMS course.

The only difference about MMS and MBA is the affiliation of the university! Right. Most students are confused about the difference between MBA and MMS. our Mumbai University calls it a MMS (Masters of Management Studies), whereas, rest of the other universities and autonomous univs. Calls it MBA (Masters of Business administration.) it is same as for us which we M.U graduate from BMS to MMS, and autonomous from BBA to MBA.

Once you made up your mind, where you wish to join, your brain hammering won’t stop yet. Thanks to your friends, who will  tell you to join the IIMs or skip the year and try next year and your parents will get behind you telling you “beta, yehi college join karna”.

However, I would like to say that joining topmost college is an advantage but it doesn’t mean if you join any other regular college your career wont bloom. Even whichever college you get admissions, do your bit very well, as you will face competition not from your area/locality students, but students from other cities too who has joined the institute for their career development.

And when you complete your 1st year of your P.G.

The battle is still not over yet, here comes intership, which is compulsory for your 3rdsemester. And you have 100 marks for that too. A 45 days internship.


Here again, students consider/ has a strong belief, being an intern in a niche company make you a career ready and getting job bam in 1st interview in a name swearing company. But friends, life is tough, so the course and the internship. I’ve seen MBA/MMS students who have been in a dream college and interns in Siemens and ONGS, still struggling in finding desired work.

So, dear friends. Life is still not going as plan. Our names still haven’t appeared on notice boards of our desired college. But life will go on. It doesn’t matter if you, still not get admission in your dream college. Or you do get. Keep smiling. This is life.

Cheers for life.

– AmeyKhedekar

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