Android 4.4.4 Kitkat Update For Moto Smartphones In India


moto phones

 Motorola’s Moto phones in the country can now be upgraded to the latest Android 4.4.4 Kitkat. The update has started rolling out for the devices in India. The company first announced the update through a twee, saying, “We’ve begun rolling out Android, Kitkat, 4.4.4 for Moto G, Moto E and Moto X this week in India! Expect an update on your #Moto soon!” Motorola had promised the update for all their devices.

The company offers three devices in the Indian market, including the Moto G, Moto E and Moto X smartphones. Of this, the Moto G and Moto E are its bestselling smartphones, while the Moto X has failed in comparison. The Moto E is selling at Rs 6,999 in India, while the Moto G is priced at Rs 12,499 for the 8 GB model and Rs 13,999 for the 16 GB variant. The Moto X is Motorola’s flagship product priced at Rs 23,999 in the country. All the devices are available exclusively on Flipkart.

The users of the three smartphones models will receive notifications to update their Operating System. They can also get the updates manually by scrolling through the setting menu.

Here are the steps for manual update –

Select the settings icon in the apps menu.

Select ‘About Phone’.

Select ‘System updates’.

Select ‘Download’. Once the software is downloaded, select ‘Install’.

After installing the software, your phone will get auto-restart.



–         By Anand Thakkar


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