Angry BMSites Roar Against Mumbai Terror Attacks 13/7/2011!!


Is dis d tym 2 b blaming d Govt or criticizing d Police, or commenting on Kasab’s b’day? Let’s get present, a few Govt officials n few policemen or d intelligence can’t monitor evry nook n corner. Do v tell our neighbors or our landlords 2 watch 4 ny strange activity in our home. Dis is OUR COUNTRY, Dis is OUR HOME… Let’s guard it OURSELVES.. ol it takes is VIGILANCE.. Let’s stand 4 OUR COUNTRY’s Peace n Safety…

We Just Hate Those Terrorists!!!

Akshay Shah


The situation is going out of hands.

They attack……
We call our relatives and see if everyone is fine.
Knowing that MERA KOI NAHI MARA we get back to our work..
Everything gets back to normal till another blast or attack..

What happened to our pledge????
Remember the line.. “All Indians are my brothers and sisters”.. Are they no longer your brothers and sisters?

What about giving justice to them??
Is there no limit of tolerance??
Should be keep forgiving the terrorists?

Are they human? Should they be given any human rights??

It is time…..

We have to take some action now..
The government must act. NOWWWWW.

Roshan Jha


There was one 9/11 and the US openly raped everyone in the middle east. We have 9/11’s every other year and we mockingly sit in front of our TV screens, call here and there, post a few updates and everything is done. The very next week, everything is forgotten, the bloodshed, the trauma, the innocent killings everything. The stupid crap buzz posts will be back.
Do not blame the government, it is you who selected them in the first place. Do not blame the police, there is just 1 for every 740 citizens and do not blame the terrorists as well because you cannot blame the thief if you choose to sleep while keeping your door open. If you need to blame someone, you just need to look into the mirror.

Anukool Varma


Terror Attacks should keep going because whatever happens, our Government will just investigate and keep as it is but will not take any final commitment on that issue. So Salute to terrorists, afterall, they do what they say and not like our Government does!

Udin Sangoi

Watching some people cursing government and security, Kasab issues and being drama queens now on this bomb blasts…Why we all need a blast to open our eyes…? can’t we open our eyes widout dat? Right now just stop blaming and cursing…cuz u r also responsible for this in sum way ..utilize ur words in praying for victims!


Government announces high alert after everything happens and now claims that situation is under control but will not answer why the situation went out of control in the first place! =/

Bhavya Singh


Well, my dp on Facebook says it all. Its Black for Black Act. Just sitting in front of screen and to condemn the blasts is all of no use. Each one should atleast try to make their self environment safe.  See there is no advantage to blame the Government or the police. The hierarchy goes on raising its pressure on lower standards. After all, everyone is here just for money. Our CM gave a great speech to make people calm after the scene, but that’s also of no use. Everything is mere bullshit.

Nikhil Lade


Security is alerted after all damage is done….checkings start after they hav done their brutal acts n left..

Pallavi M

They kill people. We unite. We rise. We help. We construct. And then, We Forget. They strike again….!!! :'(

Namrata Jadhav

I don’t really know what to say about the attacks, I think this country needs to get rid of their laid back attitude about everything and understand the value of life.- Prafful

If Mumbai blasts was B’day gift of ‘Kasab’, we should prepare to give them a “bigger return-gift..”- Samkon

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  1. My question is:
    Why these terrorists attack India and especially Mumbai again and again?

    And why cant our government avoid these terror attacks?
    When will we be safe?

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