Anil Nayak, SGM College


Name – Anil Nayak

College – SGM College Of Commerce & Management

Tell us about yourself

Hey! I am Anil Nayak from SGM College of Commerce and Management. I joined BMS in 2010-2011 now I am in F.Y.B.M.S

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

It gives a managerial project solution and the leadership quality which inspired me when my teachers told me about this BMS course.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

According to Me, BMS is all about …

  • Provides clear roles, responsibilities, activities and schedules for team efforts
  • Includes a method for considering the consequences of decreasing or increasing funds, resources, time, or quality
  • Specifies a detailed plan of how to achieve our objectives
  • Assists in the realistic assignments of tasks and responsibilities to team members according to the skills and resources available
  • Gives structure to communicating the progress of projects
  • Allows teams to identify potential problems and take preventive action early
  • Keeps management officers and project stakeholders well-informed and supportive
  • Helps manage pressure for expanding the scope of projects without proper decision criteria and analysis of changes
What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?

First and foremost the community is good…in our college..People always in a Positive attitude …students and faculty talks about new ideas. They share thoughts and manage the work in parts…I love bout my college is having a good management …

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?

My favorite faculty is  Rahul Sir and Potekar sir….because Rahul sir…help in personality development and Potekar sir…Help to know the Rules to be followed in the college premises.

What has BMS life taught you?

A great Achievement and a skilfull personality.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?

The Happiest Moment is when I scored good marks in every subject and bad is when I didn’t got 1st Rank….and most Memorable moment is when Rahul Sir (Director of the BMS of S.G.M College of commerce and Management) said “among this student u done well in presentation”

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My parents, Aunt and my younger Brother and Friends too..

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

There should be change in I m in First Year..the books should be in more detail about the managers …it should have the managerial cases more..and way to analyze with solution.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

It is good Opportunity and the good way of Achievement in future. It Help Personality Development and give fear free Freedom.

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