Animesh Saimal, Pendharkar College


Name – Animesh Samal
College – Keshav Vishnu Pendharkar College

Tell us about yourself
I am Animesh. A happy going fellow.

Tell us about your college
K.V.Pendharkar college, Located in an industrial area of MIDC Dombivli is one of the biggest college of dombivli and It is one of the best colleges in Thane.
With a great history in making many students with prosperous careers, this college is home to many and history of sports is amazing as the college has won many competition in state level.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?
I joined BMS right after my 12th Exams in June 2008 and I am into Third Year BMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
I wanted to learn management. Although everything seemed like a similar course, BMS was the only course with lots of scope of improvement and getting into higher education with a proper degree and knowledge.

According to you, what is BMS all about?
BMS is all about management and study the most amazing subjects and everything related to management. It gives an idea of what market situation is really going to be. Makes us ready with the touch of 38 subjects that help us to know, everything from every relative sectors of Management

What’s special about your college? What do you love about it?
The college is special for me. The life at Pendharkar has a mixture of every emotion. It brings people from different communities and culture and makes it a place of  education, where we not only learn but also enjoy the life of a college student. The days, the festival and various other competition and sports makes this college unique

Who is your favorite teacher/faculty? Why?
Jayshree Karve, is my favourite teacher. She is a CA and she teaches accounts and everything related to accounts. The reason is her care and love for all the students. How she treats every student equally and how she manages the whole BMS department of our college. Her teaching methodologies are quite amazing which makes the unusual and difficult accounts go easy for the students. She is one of the most important person in the life of every student of BMS, Pendharkar College.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?
Happiest Moment was being friends with the most amazing people and scoring marks, winning competition and quizzes in sports, And making a name for myself. Every day has got something happy and something sad, I guess everyday has been really happy for me.
Memorable was when I was appreciated for the Documentary Video and the Project that we made on Save National Heritage.
I guess there is even more to come 🙂

Who in your life has influenced the most?
It has to be my brother, Madhusudan Mishra, who himself is a great person, with a nick of joy and really knows how to enjoy life. Has taught me to be practical and situational, really good at handling people and getting the best out of everyone. Being a MMS graduate from PIMS, he helps me out with my studies and helps me in taking various important decisions.
Always grateful for his immense support.

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
More practical subjects and much more project related works. Industrial visits and I would suggest to have good internship so that we can really learn while studying.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?
Make sure you have a practical thinking and a nature to learn things very differently. Although BMS looks easy, It is actually tough and It can be Vice-Versa. Be situational.

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?
What are the qualities required to be a good MBA?
What would be the perfect criteria for a person taking a full time MBA course?
Is the MBA degree a source of income or is it a source of learning life?

What are your future plans?
Make sure I complete my MBA from a top college and get myself a good career prospect. Would like to learn to from work. Earn money and start a business of my own. Being a Entrepreneur is what I see in myself.

How is What help should it provide in future?
It is helping us a lot. Notes, Projects, Information, and the daily chat with a touch of fun and frolic makes this page Unique and Special.
The team is doing a lot of work with full enthusiasm and ability to make the students support themselves!

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