Anisan Technologies Presents Business Analysis Summit 2012 on 23rd June 2012


It is our pleasure to invite you on “BUSINESS ANALYSIS SUMMIT 2012”.

Get a powerful insight on Business Analysis by the experts. Business Analysis Summit is the flagship event of Anisan Technologies. It’s a platform where professionals and aspiring Business Analyst can interact with each other, and also get mentored from the leaders.

  • Why Business Analysis?

Business Analysis is the next big career in Information Technology and Management as the businesses are changing the way they are operating. Future is global, connected and automated environment where both from IT and non-IT needs to contribute to create this complex, sophisticated and highly productive environment.  Business Analyst provides excellent bridge for this environment that caters to the need of the business as well as technical team members to achieve the organizational goal and objective.  You can be from either Business/Management or IT/technology background. It will benefit both.

Business Analysis, as a career has emerged last decade in USA, primarily in finance and healthcare industry because Business experts faced difficulty in communicating their needs to technical experts and vice-a-versa.


  • What is Business Analysis?

As per BABOK, “Business Analysis is the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization, and to recommend solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals.” The goal could be improving the process or goal could be launching new products/services. There will be a need for Business Analyst in every industry in every business solution.

This window of opportunity is an excellent approach to learn, network and explore in Business Analysis and more areas.


  • Speakers

Dr.  Jaijit Bhattacharya -Professor at IIT Delhi

Dr.  Sam Ramanujan      -Professor at University of Central Missouri

Mrs.Sandhya Jane       – Founder & Director, Anisan Technologies


  • Who should attend?

Those working on improving business through changing processes, systems, organizational structure and/or infrastructure. Those interested in delivering solutions that fits the needs of their organizations. Your title could be business analyst, project manager, programme manager, requirements engineer, business architect, business process manager, product manager, Lean or Six Sigma specialist, or even business systems analyst, amongst many other things. The key is that you are involved in making a change for the better.



Registration fee:  450 INR

(Participants will be charged 400 INR for group booking. The group should have five or more participants.)


Divya Soni | Tel: 022-65880304 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

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