Anjali Khemani, H.R. College


Name – Anjali Khemani

College – H.R. College of Commerce and Economics.

Tell us about yourself

Well I am a fun loving girl. I like making friends, in free time I like writing poems, talking to people and playing online games. Well also I am very ambitious in life. To me my career is my priority. I always believe everyone should have at least one reason to live, reason to survive, to me that is my career.
Tell us about your college

My college is the best place in the world. I love my faculty. All the teachers are extremely friendly, down to earth. I guess I have opened up a lot in college; I have become more confident.

It’s much better than my school days…I used to be scared to approach a teacher.

In my school speaking to a teacher was like a last thing to in the world unless you wished to get humiliated.  So teachers in my college are friendlier and I almost like all my teachers. Some of my favourite teachers are Rajeshwari ma’am Anupama ma’am and Sitabkhan sir.

When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I have joined bms in the year 2009-10. I am currently in Tybms.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?
Well I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. And I wasn’t interested in finance, also my family background is more into retail business, and they believe more in entrepreneurial ventures so I was always inclined to towards setting up my own business rather than working for someone or trying my hand in service sector.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

Bms is all about learning. Each day you learn a new lesson. Before 12th std. I couldn’t start a computer but now I am an expert in making power point presentation. It’s an ever ending learning experience. Each subject teaches you something new. It gives a path to your basic interests. It helps you learn better, focus on what you actually wanna achieve. Like leadership can be combined with employee relations and so on.

At the end of the day this course helps you to become a manager with a heart.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?

Well the happiest moment and sad moments both came at the time our projects

Few of my most memorable projects were global village where we all were dressed as people of different countries of the world and we have set up a stall of our given countries. It was lot of fun we were all dressed and it was so much vibrant and full of life. Pakistan, Switzerland, Italy, Japan were some countries. All the classmates became close friends because of such projects. We work together so much that we are used to each other.

Worst moment was my law presentation where I had mugged my part as I went completely blank on stage. I couldn’t utter a word and I was struggling to speak. That was in fybms Sem 1.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My father, he is my role model. He has faced many problems in life but he hasn’t given up. I look up to him. He inspires me in a lot of ways. He has always taught me some values which I shall never forget in my life

As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

I think the theory papers should have objectives as 1st 15marks instead of concept question; it’s too difficult to secure high percentage in bms

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Go for it, it’s a roller coaster ride…

3 Questions you would like to ask an MBA?

Work exp ?

Top colleges for marketing ?

Career progression as in placement opportunities

What are your future plans?

I am planning to an Mba in marketing. But I also wish to work before MBA. So I have applied for CAT. Now it’s upon destiny… if I got into top 20colleges I will do MBA in marketing else I will work for 2years and then will again apply for MBA.

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