Ankush Likhyani, Edventus


Name – Ankush Likhyani

Company – Edventus – Business Enhancement Partners

Tell us something about yourself?

More than 4 years of experience in the financial services industry post my MBA from IBS Hyderabad, consider myself extremely fortunate to be in the right industry & at the right time. Have exposure across functions ranging from sales, training, planning & sales support. Learning every day, taking challenges heads up & working out of comfort areas is my idea of growth.

Tell us something about your company?

Edventus today is a brand to reckon with when it comes to Instructor-Led-Training, Skill Development programs, Crafting Alliances, Recruitment & Placement and Sales Management. During its first year of operations, Edventus has 200 empanelled trainers, completed close to 4,000 hours of training, implemented Learning Management System for a leading Life Insurance Company and crafted alliances for a global payment technology company- VISA.

Team Edventus, Edvancers as they are called, comprises a heady mix of senior industry professionals with a background of handling critical positions in brands like HDFC Bank, Syndicate Bank, Reliance Capital, HSBC, SBI, Edelweiss and Seasoned trainers & academic facilitators

According to you, what is management all about?

Foremost manage yourself & then look to manage your team by creating an environment that brings the best in them. Getting work done through sub-ordinates, across functions, vendors, seniors & customers is an art which a management professional has to master

Your views on Corporate World?

Its fiercely competitive, challenges your potential & skill sets. But is also an ocean of opportunities

What is your philosophy towards work?

Each one should be an effective salesperson as all of us do ‘sales’ in our daily routine. You have to ‘sell’ your idea to your boss, ‘sell’ business targets to your team, ‘sell’ corporate philosophy, ethos, DNA, to your employees, a functional head has to ‘sell’ a process to his counterpart, a CEO has to ‘sell’ corporate strategy to its shareholders. So each one should seek to be an effective salesperson

Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

Training people. Its very challenging as you are expected to ‘know all’ but is good fun too as in a matter few hours you get to interact with people with diverse background, cultures, thought processes, age groups & channelize them towards a common goal

Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

It may not be the most important thing but money is extremely important in a lifetime & it is good that an initiative has been started to put this thrust at the very beginning of careers

Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

Not really. What greatly matters in the corporate world is what skill sets the individual carries

What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Get some serious exposure in a particular industry before you aspire for management level profiles

If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

Serious & passionate towards work, hardworking & right attitude

Your feedback for

Great going. All the best!!

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