App Review : Coursera..Gen Y’s New Classroom!



“Hey are you on WHATSAPP”?

The most frequently asked question these days. We are so much into this apps and technology that a day without it would be hard to imagine. Just think about a day without your smart phone. I can’t! Can you? A difficult question to answer, but do we only use apps which help us or free chat, video calling, gaming and on and on. Our parents think that that way but we don’t.

I would like to introduce you people to one such amazing app named as “Coursera”. Basically this app offers online courses on different subjects which you can pursue at your own convenience. Anytime anywhere, it has a list of vivid subjects which you can select from and then select the course. They have a very personalized and customized approach towards those who download it which gives you a very good experience and leaves you wanting to learn more. This is a perfect app for those who always have a quest of learning more and more. The attractive and interesting videos and animated stuff makes learning fun and more simple.

The best part of this app is free of cost which would attract any Indian, because we are the cost most efficient people in the world. The best part of this app according to me is that you can pursue any course irrespective of your educational background and learn something new and different. So now take your phone and browse Coursera and download it. Don’t forget to give me your reviews and experience regarding the same.


– Freny Sachde

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  1. Well Done Freny.People Now a days have forgot the advantages of Smart Phones other then being online on a messenger or uploading pics on god knows how many social networking sites.Coursera is the bridge that will connect smart phones with academics.Update us Regularly!

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