App Review: Recordsense – Audio Tag For Notes



Can’t remember what your sir said in your classes or even what your mother ask you to buy from the grocer? Well here is an app which can make your life simpler. Recordsense is an app which records audio notes and organizes them for your future usage.

On first sights this app looks like a recording of Soundcloud track wherein instead of your comments it’s laid up with the tags you put in one of, the other cool features this app gives out in is I records in m4a files with superior quality then .amr or .aar recordings. It is super simple to use, you startup with making a category and then recording your audio in it.

After your recordings are done you can lay up ages which you want o help you remember much like a bookmark in a book.Developed by Lemberg a UK based company has said in an interview that they would be introducing more formats for recording so as to find more worth to the application as per customer.

They have also agreed to customer reviews of adding a picture and sound to the apps integrated system. Some of these developments are a 4×1 widget for the app. This app was first also known as record with tags after rebranding and some new features thrown in recordsense came to life. With the big names like Whatsapp & telegram on the fore front of app revolution this little app has a lot to learn and a lot to improve.

  My review on his little guy people would prefer to only use the free light version then buying the pro version. A lot of place for improvement it’s going to be at the top of its peak with exciting features to collaborate and incorporate with present music apps like Savnn and Soundhound to create a Music download and record facilities or even have a karaoke alternative. If they are ready to improve sky is the limit.

– Aditya Chavan.

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