App View – Snapchat!



Technology is a huge part of our daily lives. It offers a lot of convenience and ease to our lives. At times it may seem complicated but also is easy to learn. We are practically surrounded by technology from all sides. From our TV to microwaves to laptops to refrigerators, most of our activities require the use of technology. Mobile phones have changed human life. Something that was launched with the motive of communication and became a necessity soon today has become a luxury item which offers much more than pure communication. The birth of android has led to a revolution in the way mobile phones were perceived.

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Most of us start our day with checking the messages on ‘Whatsapp’ and end it by wishing our friends good night through the app. Whatsapp has got most of the people hooked on regardless of the age group. It’s a very nice way to stay connected with a lot of people. But it isn’t the only app. Each one of us uses several apps according to our need. Some may use news apps others may use sports and the list goes on. We all find our likeable apps which suit our area of interest.

Here’s a look of Snapchat by Snapchat, Inc. which has won its fair share of admirers. It’s an app on which you can enjoy fast and fun mobile conversations with your friends. Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend. They’ll view it, laugh, and then the Snap disappears from the screen unless they take a screenshot. You can also add a Snap to your Story with one tap to share your day with all of your friends. It’s a unique combination of pictures and words. Very creatively inclined and helps one express emotion on a picture or video through words.

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The best conversations happen when both friends are present, so the app lets you know if your friend is there in your chat. And if your friend is present, one must simply press and hold to share live video and chat face-to-face. Basic features are:-

  • Free
  • Category: Photo & Video
  • Updated: 05 June 2014
  • Version: 7.0.2
  • Size: 20.0 MB
  • Languages: English, Arabic, Bokmål, Norwegian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Developer: Snapchat, Inc.


If you are someone who loves clicking pictures and sharing with your friends with witty, quirky, funny or cute thoughts then this is a great app for you. Happy Snapping!

–        Anjani M Nautiyal

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namrata desai


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