Appeal regarding Financial Management exam to Mumbai University


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is with regards to the Financial Management (FM) Examination of V Semester of BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) conducted by Mumbai University for 11,226 students of the batch 2013-14. On behalf of majority of the TYBMS students, we would like to draw your attention towards the problems faced by students who appeared for FM paper this year on 21st November 2013.

  • Questions  in FM paper were really TRICKY and though students prepared well for the exam, during writing the paper, there was total confusion of solving the sums.
  • Concept questions like ABC Analysis (which was expected in Logistics paper) was seen in the FM paper.
  • Sums carrying 5 marks were very lengthy (took around 30 minutes to solve) and 15 marks sum on capital budgeting was like solving 2 sums. Questions to be asked for 8 marks were asked for 5 marks, 15 marks questions were asked for 10 marks.
  • FM paper was for BMS i.e. management students and not for BAF/BFM students who aspire to be CA/pursue jobs in Accounts field. Level of difficulty of sums was MBA/CA level and not to our degree level.
  • Students have studied the entire syllabus for 4 months referring to 3-4 books but then why the exam paper didn’t have sums from all chapters? Working Capital sum was missing, no credit period was given for Receivables Management, Leverage sum was asked in reverse way and the theory questions/detailed concepts were taken from a CA book.
  • This year’s FM paper was the toughest in the history of BMS (Refer University Question Papers from November 2001 to 2012). Students inspite of practicing all 12 years university question papers couldn’t solve the paper as there was twisted sums and sudden change in MU’s trend.

All said and done, it is not entirely correct for us to just make such claims with providing appropriate and effective solutions for the same as well.

We understand that the University is undergoing a lot of stress at this time and our only request would be to be a little empathetic and do not take any decision under pressure. Here a few measures that the University can take to correct this problem. We hope you accept these suggestions:

(On consultation with many upset students)

  • To be honest, we do not want another chance to do better i.e. re-exam(all thanks to the last minute changes to Internal exam rules – downscaling method, upcoming External viva-voce examination of TYBMS projects and Retail management becoming a compulsory subject in VI Semester).
  • Another way to take corrective action can be  to do lenient checking to all those who attempted all questions/provide grace marks to all those who are failing in the FM paper.
  • One more possible way to take corrective action can be to judge the performance of students in the FM paper based on their performance in other papers (provided it doesn’t require a lot of efforts by the University faculties in comparing the papers).


Whatever be the case, students must not be made to suffer. Please do not ignore this appeal and take it into definite consideration as it is backed by a lot of students, whose fate rests on this decision. Please do take a decision in the best interests of the students. Looking forward to just verdict.


Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

TYBMS Students (2013-14 Batch)



Dear TYBMS friends,
We have written this article on behalf of majority of the TYBMS students. 
Please do not ignore this and kindly LIKE/COMMENT  and FORWARD this link –   to as many people as possible if your FM paper was worst. Hopefully, seeing so many students coming together, MU will accept our appeal and take the required action.  We would like to extend thanks to everyone who partakes in this effort. 


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  1. It’s was ca level paper.. Nd there should be 15 marks objectives. Nt for bcom but also for degree course.. The university should think. Something ya thy should
    check easy and give grace marks.

    1. Seriously atleast if the theory was asked properly students would have scored some marks there
      and theory was also horrible
      you’ll will have to pass all of us
      this is not the kind of paper to set

  2. The FM paper was really very tough and lengthy to solve with such questions which were totally above the standards of BMS
    Further the marks allotted to each sums were not fair at all, BMS Students are learners not master
    The sums were clearly set in such a way to confuse students
    the theory part also saw such questions that were even not there in the textbook
    If this types of paper come again all student will loose faith in Mumbai university
    The university should do leneant checking and give students grace marks soo that they can atleast pass
    The FM paper put soo much pressure on students that they were not able to concentrate on other paper hence the evil FM paper also affected other papers of many students

  3. yes this fm paper was difficult to understand bcoz the level of paper asked was very hard so is is neccessary to give grace marks to students for their hard work

  4. The paper was too tough and maximum people had a problem in solving the paper
    This is not fair to set the paper so tough
    full 15 marks of theory was rubbish no one even knew what to write
    at least theory would have been easy we could score some marks in it.
    if we all students hr ATKT in FM paper it will affect our whole life and career
    and according this not a paper to be set for our level
    so i would request you’ll to pass everybody who have attempted all the questions atleast
    and see how they have done in other papers
    this is the only paper where everyone had the difficulty to attempt

  5. Paper was not tough at all. Its only conceptual and if u not have conept then u cant solve this paper. This was shame for those students who fully blamed to paper.if this the way of blamming then after b.m.s. u can try for level exam and for job try in clerical or peon level job. This behave show that not only how u handle critical situation in exam but in your life too. If u cant handle two hours paper then how can u handle critical situation of life and even after if you go for further higher studie and if you alws blame to paper then how can u handle advance subjects in future studies.its really shame that u beg for marks because u cant fight in 2 hours paper..

    1. But maximum people had a problem in solving the paper
      if it was just few students we can understand
      but most of them our saying so the paper has to be blamed

    2. Oh please keep that paper to yourself and solve it as many times you want if u liked it so much. by your english its clearly visible that you seem to be fit to work at the position of a peon, the paper setters themselves are submitting wrong solution sets this shows they themselves cant slove it correctly check Mumbai mirror, seems u havent been readin news lately, im interested in Marketing and not finance Im studyin Bms not Ca. Paper setters couldn’t solve it correctly imagine solving entire paper in 2Hrs. Just because the paper may be easy for you doesnt mean its easy for all imagine the plight of students from non accountant background.

      1. Dear its ok ki u want marketing..but life is fight.n in tdy world even qualified ca. Ko job ni mil ra h to tm bms k students ka na jane kya position h.
        But dear jo life k every challngs fight krta h wai survives krta h..excuses n apne man nd thinking ko divert krna is very simple work. N agr ek exam ni solve kr pa re ho to marketing n bade bade khwab dekhna bhul jao kuki life apne aap me sbse tough exam h..

  6. Yes the paper was indeed very tough. Theory as well as sums was difficult, tricky and time consuming .. Hope correction is lenient and grace marks are given !!

  7. i’ve attempt all the questions as for most probable solutions and answers , but still i’m unsure of my FM paper performance as the paper was very very very tricky & was unlike the history of BMS previous papers not even 0.1% of similarity. This unsimilarity has made many student’s dreams a haunting nightmare. Please give this CONSIDERATION a PRIORITY IMPORTANCE as the fate of all management students is tied with the results.

  8. Dear its ok ki u want marketing..but life is fight.n in tdy world even qualified ca. Ko job ni mil ra h to tm bms k students ka na jane kya position h.
    But dear jo life k every challngs fight krta h wai survives krta h..excuses n apne man nd thinking ko divert krna is very simple work. N agr ek exam ni solve kr pa re ho to marketing n bade bade khwab dekhna bhul jao kuki life apne aap me sbse tough exam h..

  9. I fully agree with deshmukh mam…if students of bms cant able to handle such a paper like fmthen i think after bms they dont think about further studies because further studies are much more hard thn bms so its beter they quit study and search some common job where they are fit for physical work only…not for mental work…

  10. I fully agree with deshmukh mam…if students of bms cant able to handle such a paper like fmthen i think after bms they dont think about further studies because further studies are much more hard thn bms so its beteer they quit study nd search some common job where they are fit for physical work only…not for mental work…

  11. I went through the question paper and honestly could not understand what this fuss is all about. In my opinion one or two conceptual questions were unfair (and accordingly full marks should be awarded to all the students) but apart from that the overall paper seemed fair to me. Agree that questions were not straightforward and some were a bit time consuming, but everything was from the syllabus. The argument that questions were unfair because they were not straightforward is untenable. Should papers be set only in a manner which makes it easy for students to score high marks?

    I think the major problem here lies in the approach students adopt when studying. They are mostly interested in getting notes from the professor and then memorize them for exams. Importance is never placed on the understanding the concepts. I believe most of the students suffered because their understanding of concepts was flawed. If you understanding is strong, how does it matter if a question is asked the other way round? The teachers are also to be blamed – hardly any effort is made to make the concepts interesting and easily understandable. It has also been argued that the paper was suited for students who are aspiring to become accountants and not management students. It is sad to see students don’t even know the difference between accountancy and financial management. An accountant has got nothing to do with management of working capital and leverage.

    I completed my BMS course way back in 2004 (3rd batch). The teaching pedagogy was largely the same i.e. uninteresting but students had a different perspective. After lectures most of us would go to library and refer to at least 3-4 good books on the subject. We would often come across some nice explanations, charts and examples which would help us understand the concept in a better manner. We would then makes notes from those books. Self-study was an integral part of our study then. We placed more importance on understanding the concepts. During our 5th semester exams, the paper on logistics was tough and financial management paper was also bit tricky and lengthy. But most of us were able to attempt those questions and ended up getting decent marks.

  12. Paper was very tricky and so many students failed but now 10 marks is giving as grace but students who got marks in single digit what for them how them will get pass rules should be same for everybody very students should get pass or nobody.

  13. Plzzzz mumbai university…take this matter into consideration and give result in our favour…mosly all students who failed in fm didnt deserve to….it wont take a bit to clear us….plzzz…we want justice…its totally unfair…

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