Appeal regarding Financial Management exam to Mumbai University


Dear Sir/Madam,

This is with regards to the Financial Management (FM) Examination of V Semester of BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) conducted by Mumbai University for 11,226 students of the batch 2013-14. On behalf of majority of the TYBMS students, we would like to draw your attention towards the problems faced by students who appeared for FM paper this year on 21st November 2013.

  • Questions  in FM paper were really TRICKY and though students prepared well for the exam, during writing the paper, there was total confusion of solving the sums.
  • Concept questions like ABC Analysis (which was expected in Logistics paper) was seen in the FM paper.
  • Sums carrying 5 marks were very lengthy (took around 30 minutes to solve) and 15 marks sum on capital budgeting was like solving 2 sums. Questions to be asked for 8 marks were asked for 5 marks, 15 marks questions were asked for 10 marks.
  • FM paper was for BMS i.e. management students and not for BAF/BFM students who aspire to be CA/pursue jobs in Accounts field. Level of difficulty of sums was MBA/CA level and not to our degree level.
  • Students have studied the entire syllabus for 4 months referring to 3-4 books but then why the exam paper didn’t have sums from all chapters? Working Capital sum was missing, no credit period was given for Receivables Management, Leverage sum was asked in reverse way and the theory questions/detailed concepts were taken from a CA book.
  • This year’s FM paper was the toughest in the history of BMS (Refer University Question Papers from November 2001 to 2012). Students inspite of practicing all 12 years university question papers couldn’t solve the paper as there was twisted sums and sudden change in MU’s trend.

All said and done, it is not entirely correct for us to just make such claims with providing appropriate and effective solutions for the same as well.

We understand that the University is undergoing a lot of stress at this time and our only request would be to be a little empathetic and do not take any decision under pressure. Here a few measures that the University can take to correct this problem. We hope you accept these suggestions:

(On consultation with many upset students)

  • To be honest, we do not want another chance to do better i.e. re-exam(all thanks to the last minute changes to Internal exam rules – downscaling method, upcoming External viva-voce examination of TYBMS projects and Retail management becoming a compulsory subject in VI Semester).
  • Another way to take corrective action can be  to do lenient checking to all those who attempted all questions/provide grace marks to all those who are failing in the FM paper.
  • One more possible way to take corrective action can be to judge the performance of students in the FM paper based on their performance in other papers (provided it doesn’t require a lot of efforts by the University faculties in comparing the papers).


Whatever be the case, students must not be made to suffer. Please do not ignore this appeal and take it into definite consideration as it is backed by a lot of students, whose fate rests on this decision. Please do take a decision in the best interests of the students. Looking forward to just verdict.


Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

TYBMS Students (2013-14 Batch)



Dear TYBMS friends,
We have written this article on behalf of majority of the TYBMS students. 
Please do not ignore this and kindly LIKE/COMMENT  and FORWARD this link –   to as many people as possible if your FM paper was worst. Hopefully, seeing so many students coming together, MU will accept our appeal and take the required action.  We would like to extend thanks to everyone who partakes in this effort. 


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  1. Fm paper was very hard while looking this paper I got full blank.wat ever I wad nowing that also I got blank and this was very worst paper of my life plz plzzzz take sm action on it

  2. it was toughest paper i was totally confused reading questions literaly in 2 hrs we cant complete our paper if this type of questions asked……………pls take any action

  3. Frm d starting of BMS course all the papers set in exams were very easy for all the subjects. This tym in our batch I.e november 2013 batch all the papers were tough. FM was my god cant say anything. Fingers crossed. Receivables management sum, I think nobody was able to solve that. Who the HELL was the Paper Setter???

  4. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PAPER is Very toughest paper in BMS History… paper were really TRICKY and there was total confusion of solving the sums. Plz do something for us. Other else take re-exam..


    1. sabse bekaar paper tha… itni mehnat kr k b kya faayda hua..? question hi nhi samjha toh solve kya or kaise karege…?
      v solved previous papers , they wer not so tuf

  5. As per my knwldg a paper shud b 20%-30% difficult not more dn dat 60-70% paper shud be Average nd Easy… FM 90% difficult paper+ Lengthy paper…. MU mistkn while setting d ppr nw try to Correct ur mistk Plzzz

  6. Even I am one of them who got the fm paper tough. MU must take the relevant action against it.
    Everyone had studied and regularly solved the previous question papers of fm, bt than too it was very difficult to solve the paper. In the examination hall while the question paper came in our hand,our facial expession got changed. It is a request with MU to look towards the students request and take a right solution on it>>>>>>TYBMS

  7. FM paper surprised everyone.. Combination of Logistics, CA Final questions ..
    Was searching BMS level Questions in the paper but did not find even in theory segment…

  8. The paper was very lengthy & impossible to be complete on time,
    I think these was the effort from university to put bms result down & then ppl say students suicide.
    I am nt telling students should do that bt university should think & take some steps towads it bcoz these is nt justice

  9. financial management was my worst paper they’ve asked toughest questions however last year question paper was very easy, working capital structure was was nt asked i don’t know where to go just have a hope with this website.

  10. Worst paper of my life.. Who wz the paper setter?…to paper setter…dear mam or sir the paper wz vry tuff i u ever study fm u woudnt give such sum fr 5 marks or 10 marks..we r the students of bms not ca…u shoud know wat sum should be given fr 5 marks or 10 appel to pass maximum students plzzz or remove the paper setter fr University bcz he or she is not eligible fr setting the paper fr bms

  11. I had a good look at the last years question papers while preparing for this exam and none of them were even half as horrible as this one. The biggest issue in this paper was the lengthy sums. Plus the sums weren’t easy at all. Leverages, capital budgeting and cash management took too much of time. To top that all, the level of difficulty was really high.

  12. I hope MU will do sumthing for us cos the ppr was really like a CA level. V hv so much pressure nw like late exams, late vivas,1 more compulsory subject in sem 6,etc..So this appeal is the lively cure for us of everything..

  13. its realy unexpected papar even those who have finance studants. As compaire to other papar fm verry verry stressfull papar.All students request is just pass.plzzzz acepte this request.Bcz all r studyed too much as comaire other subject.Thank u…

  14. first of all my be the paper hard or easy the thing what matter here was the TIME.
    in fm 2 hours is not enough as the students are in so stress and they need a good time to understand each ques as it is not maths but its f.m.
    In bsc field the time has extended to 2:30 hours but for students 2 hours was enough still bms all paper can be finished in briefly in 2 hrs except f.m .

    I SCORED FULL MARKS IN COACHING TEST AND IN COLLEGE PRELIM I WAS 5th hightest and In board………. I was so stressed after f.m exam that my logistics was also not very much good .

    1. That is what happens when you top exams. When you are not making errors, it probably means you are not studying enough. Topping any paper consistently is a very bad sign for the future. If you strive to be good, it is imperative to not top 🙂

      Source: someone working at a Centre of Excellence for research in the country 😀

    2. OTOH I agree that the university ought to set papers that an average student (not a *good* student) should be able to pass with relative ease. This is an aberration. I hope something positive happened with you guys.

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