Apple is back with the iPhone 6


iphone 6 new

If you are an apple fan, then you would be waiting for September 9 more than anything else as it is the launch date of apple’s new product and most anticipated one the, (drumroll…) iPhone 6, yes I said write, the premium phone of Apple is back with better processor, better graphics, better size, better looks, better… iPhone. The new iPhone 6 will operate on ios 8. With other smartphone giants already in the market like Samsung Galaxy S5, Sony Xperia Z2 , LG G3 and many others, its high time for apple to launch new iPhone in order to maintain its position in the market.

iphone 6 keep calm

So as far as the news is, Apple has decided to launch its product with two different display sizes. One would be of 4.7 inches and the second one would around 5.5 inches. So it can be said it’s a nice strategy by the company to cover larger audience in terms of display preference. With the larger screen the body of the phone would be more premium as it would be made up of metal. There is possibility that the 5.5 inch model could be named as iPhone air. It will have Apple A8 chipset and a Dual Core CPU with 2 GHz, with all the great features like Siri, Maps, iCloud etc that Apple provides.

apple headquarters

One thing is for sure if it is Apple it’s definitely not gonna be cheap. Apple is always considered as premium product and the pricing is also at the premium range. So considering this fact it can be estimated that the price of the product can be hiked by 100$ or even more. So the pricing of the model with 4.7 inches with 16gb memory could be around 860$, whereas the price of model with 5.5 inches with 16gb memory can start from 970$ So you’ll need to save more for the new iPhone 6.

 – Jainam Jhaveri

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BMS Graduate with a Diploma in Software Engg and a Sports Blogger... passionate about Blogging, Football, Video Games, Surfing Internet and Love to Travel and visit new places.


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