Apple of China – Xiaomi


Xiaomi is the sixth largest smartphone vendor in the world and one of China’s biggest electronics companies. Xiaomi sold more smartphones in the first quarter of this year in its home country than Apple did — the very same quarter that the iPhone was made available through the largest network carrier in the world, China Mobile, and its 700,000-strong subscriber base.
Often described as the ‘Apple of China’, Xiaomi rose to the top by selling smartphones with a view to recouping profits from the second half of the 12-18 month product lifecycle, as component prices come down.

xiaomi ceo

Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun is often compared to Apple’s Steve Jobs.
Xiaomi doesn’t solely rely on hardware profits, however slim they may be, as the company also earns revenue from services pre-loaded on the phones it sells — a luxury that OnePlus doesn’t have.

xiaomi Mi3

Xiaomi Inc. is a privately owned Chinese electronics company headquartered in Beijing, China. Xiaomi is one of China’s biggest electronics company that designs, develops, and sellssmartphones, mobile apps, and consumer electronics.
In September 2013, Xiaomi announced its Mi3 phone, with one version powered by the Snapdragon 800 (MSM8974AB) and another by NVIDIA’s Tegra 4 chipset.
The Xiaomi Mi3 sold out in 17 minutes in Malaysia.

– By Anand Thakkar

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