Apple releases iOS 7.1



On 12th March 2014, Apple announced its first major update to its mobile operating system after the release of iOS 7 in September 2013. 

Apple has introduced iOS 7.1 which includes support for Apple’s new CarPlay, improved control for Siri, user interface refinements, security updates, bug fixes, AirDrop, smarter multitasking and more.


Now Siri knows when to stop listening.

Manually control when Siri listens by holding down the Home button while you speak and releasing it when you’re done.


Set Camera to take great pictures.


Automatically enable HDR on iPhone 5s.




Updated look and feel.


Experience the newest refinements to the iOS 7 interface.



See Calendar events better than ever.

Glance at your events in the new Month view.



Available on select new cars in 2014, CarPlay takes the things you want to do with your iPhone while driving and puts them on your car’s built-in display. Now you have a smarter, safer way to make calls, get directions, or play music from your iPhone while in the car. Just plug in your iPhone and go.

CarPlay features Siri voice control and is specially designed for driving scenarios. It also works with your car’s controls — knobs, buttons, or touchscreen. And the apps you want to use in the car have been reimagined, so you can use them while your eyes and hands stay where they belong.

The power and simplicity of Apple Maps come to your dashboard — complete with turn‑by‑turn directions, traffic conditions, and estimated travel time. CarPlay can also predict where you most likely want to go using addresses from your email, text messages, contacts, and calendars.

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