Apple v/s Samsung


Those who have been really charged by the tech front would have hardly missed out on this very latest war-like drama between the two phony giants ending recently. Is it really the end or the beginning?

Well for starters (for those who really don’t know what is going on between Apple & Samsung!) two of the largest and hottest phone companies were tied up in a legal battle over an issue of design of smartphones and tablets. Do we care? Not really as long as we love to flaunt our 4S and the in-born Siri or the S3 with amazingly large display and features which our ancestors would not dream of.

But anyhow, it is difficult to ignore the Bollywood type Khan vs Khan fight that the two companies have got themselves into and the purpose here is to crack the case from top to bottom by making it easy – just scroll through!

The Case

It started in April 2011 when Apple sued its component supplier Samsung by literally proof-showing the court through side-by-side image comparisons of iPhone 3GS and i9000 Galaxy S. Samsung reverted by alleging Apple of infringing on its patents for mobile-communication technologies – and so started the fight. What followed was a global lawsuits game spanning many countries and around 50 lawsuits with billions of dollars in damages claimed between them.

Patent is the king!

Google faces the heat of the battle now, as its Android software is the core of Samsung phones. Patent acquisitions had always been a trend and necessity in the IT space, and we recently witnessed the capture of Motorola Mobility by Google (a whopping $12.5 Bn deal) which gave it a truckload of patents and a support to the Android OS. Our once-upon-a-time desi king Nokia is sitting and watching the fight (in the hope that if one of the two fall, it will emerge…yes you can laugh at it!) and mind you it is sitting on a thick portfolio of patents to protect itself and lately tied up with Microsoft to make an impact in the huge smartphone universe.

Disguised intentions?

Was Apple really accusing Samsung for the hardware & design issues or was it actually targeting the sensitive software (OS) market. Most of the largest selling Samsung smartphones use the Android OS and with the pace it was overtaking the iOS in sales, undoubtedly posed a threat for Apple.

Apple proved its mettle not only technology wise, but also showed the world that if you try to mess with me, boy we can hit back!

The road ahead

Samsung can appeal, and it is very likely to do so or try to at least mitigate the impact of the verdict. Apple can put its head up in the crunched smartphone market and with a relief can come up with its new iPhone 5, Nokia can gain momentum with Windows Phone 8 in the pipeline and distinctly different design (at least its phones do not have resemblance to either iPhone or Galaxy).

It’s not the first time Apple alleged anyone of copying. Earlier in 2010 it had accused Motorola Mobility of snatching key patented features of the iPhone.

Also, these kind of allegations and “you copied me” thwarting are common in the mobile tech arena when a new innovation is quickly adopted for plagiarism and by the time the suit is filed and the verdict is out, the company already makes a fortune selling the product. So the point being, this is not something insanely new that we are witnessing, but the message it sends out is that the art of protecting your innovation is actually bigger than the innovation itself.

Displaying the stats of the smartphone market is of no use (I know you’ll can Google it) and to note down all the news surrounding the matter here is not possible (let aside boring) but I would urge the “Youngistan” people to read more on the matter as it certainly gives a perspective to view how the biggies in any sector/industry work and win their way up also showcasing how they strategise their next step to keep up the position.

Meanwhile, I got to go attend the call on my iPhone. Oh and it is from one of the friend who uses a S3!

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