Application of PR


Public Relations, commonly called as PR is an activity aimed at increasing common & understanding between an organization or individual & one or more groups called Publics.

The term PR is also applied to the profession responsible for handling such assignments.  Corporations, govt. agencies, politicians & entertainers are among these who use public relations.  Their publics vary from employees & shareholders to an entire community or members of the news media.  The communication between an organization & its public ranges  a simple news release to a sophisticated campaign featuring films, ad’s speeches & television appearances. Such communication is aimed at gaining the goodwill of the public.  The basis of any effective PR campaign is public benefit.  If an organization does not serve the needs of public, the public will not support it. PR experts help an organization learn what the public wants & then establish policies that reflect concern for public’s interests.


PR generally is practiced through:-


  1. Corporate PR dept:- In a corporate department, specialists handle corporate PR activities for only that company.
  2. PR Agencies:- In agencies specialists carry out PR activities for several companies
  3. Public Information Departments:- Non-profit organizations like colleges and Government agencies have public information departments that work to strengthen the image of the organization.


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