App Review – Rain Birds Rain



The angry bird most famous concept to ever come across android platform for games is an invention like never before seen concepts with simplicity of problem solving with a catapult like feature. Developed by Rovio the founder of angry birds and Nordic games (windows) one of the latest editions of this game had a multi platform launch. Released in March 2012 angry bird space had a unique 230 planets game setup.

Most unique features seen in this game our it’s ability to go beyond their flat surface game play to achieve trajectory for the birds to fly according to each planets gravitational pull. The pigs are sometimes protected by space bubbles which when blast open result to cold chilly death for the piggies. Angry birds’ storyline was fairly simple for the amount of money spent on its development where in an interdimensional claw takes out the bird eggs to another dimension and the birds follow the claw to transform and reach another world of dimension pigs.

This game had some awesome music developed specially for this interdimentional saga my none another the rock sensation Slash. The angry bird faired extremely well cause of the many features it possed as multi platform storage receiving a bonus eagle level and a King Pig Submarine boss level. This game lead for more futuristic designs of angry birds saga such as the star war series. My review on this must try on the pc platform very unique game play an 8.5 out of 10 in my books. Keep trying keep playing.


–          Aditya Chavan


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