April Fool SMS | Latest April fool Jokes, Text Messages 2015


April Fool sms April Fool sms 1


April Fool sms :

1. 31st March Or 1st April
Fool is Fool Doesn’t Matter.
Wishing Very Happy, Prosperous and Joyful.
Fool Day to the King of Fools…………april fool sms

2. I may forget to wish you on Holi, Diwali, Durga Puja or even New Year’s day.
But I am very thankful to God that I remember and wish you on a very special day meant for people like you.
Happy April Fool!

3. New financial year, new fools.
But how can we ignore the old fools like you.
It’s a crowning moment for you. Have a rocking special day! 

4. If today any 1 talks & praises u 4 ur
1) gud looks
2 ) nature
3 ) style
4 ) attitude, 
kick them off.
How dare they fool u before april 1st.

5. You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!!
Just a second, dont misunderstand. CUTE means: Creating Useless Troubles Everywhere.. 

6. TI like Boiled Egg,
It is BoneLESS..
I like you,
You are BrainLESS

7. mil gaya,
mil gaya mughe KOI mil gaya…..
oye oye mil gia
mil gia , oye mil gia
sach me mil gaya Yaar…………..
April main mara SMS padhne wala ik or FOOL mil gaya, HELLO FOOL

8. U r 20% Fantastic,
U r 20% Attractive,
U r 20% Loveable,
U r 20% Terific,
U r 20% Understandable,
Inshort U r 100% F.A.L.T.U.

9. I am a fool;
I am a fool;
I am a fool;
OK OK Cool; I agree U, are a fool. Now Control urself.
April fool wishes to the cutest fool!

10. Storms die;
Songs fade;
Flowers wither;
Misfortune ends;
Great parties finish.
But people like you remain forever… because ghosts never die!
Happy April Fool! 2014




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