Are Indians Still Biased Against Girl Child?



In India, the population of Male child is more than female child and till this day female infanticide is happening.

Why is this happening ? Is there a reason ?

Yes. In India there are people who think a girl child is a burden to them. 

People only want a boy child, to carry their name ahead, a successor. The one who will take responsibility of everything. 

Some people may like to have a girl child but due to the social evil like dowry which still exists in some parts of India causes Female Infanticide. It is also caused due to pressures from family to have a boy.

Even now, this has not changed and you will find cases such as foetus abortion and killing a girl child after getting born in India.

Recently I read an article, where a study tells that, while India has outlawed the use of technology to determine the sex of a foetus, this law is hardly implemented. 

This is the situation which India is facing. Ideally, girls ratio against boys must be more than per 1000 males for a country to progress.

In this case only Kerala has been successful, where the sex ratio of girls per 1000 males is more.

If you guys think that a girl child is only killed prenatal. It is wrong.

After birth, a neglect can severely affect a girl’s survival. There is data which I read, show that the mortality rate (deaths per 1000 live births) at neo-natal stage (1-28 days) is lower for girls.

If during such period the parents neglect their child then it can be dangerous. And this is done because they are least interested in the survival of the girl child. 

There are so many customs and traditions this country is bounded with that most of them still want their first child as a male child. 

Male child is needed by many families for a proper succession. If a girl is born then there will be no successor or heir to get their business going. 

So to avoid that, they will try ways to have a male child even after having 2-3 kids which are girls. This leads to another problem of over population.

One concept can act as catalyst for other problems.

Every girl has a right to live equally, like a boy. No girl is less than any boy these days. 

The world is changing and female infanticide must be abolished from this country.

Despite of the several government policies, only the patriarchal rules are intact.

A change is not only made by a thought but by implementation. 

People in India must first change their thinking about the conception of girl child to bring the change in the society. 

The will only happen through awareness and education. There are many NGOs who are working for a girls’ rights, and you can see little change but this little change is not enough.

These NGOs are even after trying their best to create awareness but this is not the work of one party but it is work of two, both the sides.

The day this will happen, India will be more prosperous. As it will be a nation where a girl child is saved, born and brought up and it won’t be the country where a girl child is murdered.









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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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