Are Mobile phones boon or bane?

Invention of fire to digital, man has made a lot of scientific innovations and computer was the greatest gift of science to man and cellphones or mobile are modified forms of computer wherein we can save lots of data and information. It has lot of applications, games as well as maps through which one can find any place by feeding the address in the mobile. Cell phones were invented for communication and it has spread worldwide so rapidly that even lower group of people possess it. It has estimated by 2010 that more than 500 crores of people will use mobile.
Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in less developed society and by the time cell phones invented and people have accepted this development as in these fast moving life people cant spend the time walking with friends or for some official purposes.
Through cell-phones one can easily communicate with people who is in other state while doing necessary work or travelling. Even if a person is not free he/she can put ear phones and do work without messing up all the things. As told that cell phones are modified version of computers anyone can load new games in no time. Even one can watch movies how we can watch in computer and even one can watch any of sport match going on, the application should be loaded in to the phone which would help the sport watched. One can listen to music, radio , even take the snaps of loved one, send the money through e-banking and clear all bills that are pending through cell phones. Even anyone can get stock quotes, latest alerts and even reminders. Even it can act as a torch when there is power shutdown. Even cell phones are treated as part and parcel of our life. Every person you see are with cell phones. It may be irritating sometimes but anyone cannot expect life without it and it is a multipurpose toy which can be taken anywhere anytime and can be played and enjoy. So it can be treated as boom.
Cell phones can be boon as privacy is lost as due to advanced technology of digital cameras in cell phones there are problems which many people come accross. For example- some people who have evil minds take nude snaps and videos of young girls or ladies and through that upload it to a porn site or email that and even blackmail the girl. So a girl has to be really very concious about it. The wave emitted from them can change our skin tissues. Continuos and regular use of cellphones can result to cancer and tumours still people ignore that and use cell phones. Even anyone can be disturbed in meetings due to calls from marketing people. Increase in road accidents are due to “talking while driving” and 40% of accidents are due to this reason.
Even new phobias have come into picture for mobiile users—-
  • Nomophobia: The fear of being out of cell phone contact. It’s the abbreviation for ‘no-cell-phone phobia.’ It could be a result of low battery, broken phone, a no-cellphones-allowed sign, no signal, low balance, etc.
  • Phantom Ring: Imagining the cellphone to be ringing or feel it vibrating in the pocket, when it’s actually not.
  • Pocket Patter: Patting your pockets to check if the cellphone is still there.
  • Human Antenna: Stretching your arm to hold the phones at a height in the hope that it’ll get the strongest signal.
  • So if technology has innovated and developed so well there are pros and cons which people have to accept. If a person can be acceptable they use otherwise drop using it.

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    I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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