Are People Positive About The New Budget?


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“Ab Ki BaarModi Sarkar” this slogan has started a revolution in the country. 2014 Budget is a start to check whether the revolution was for good or not. Jaitley has come up with a couple of changes. Out of which some are appreciated while others or not. Working class people are surely happy with the increase in the slabs.

My father represents working class. I can assure you that he s is happy with the changes. Allotting Rs.100 crores for “Save Girl Child and Educate Girl Child” is appreciated by others. But the idea of allotting Rs.200 crore to build Sardar Patel Statue is considered as a wrong step by people.

Encouraging upcoming entrepreneurs by keeping the start-up fund as 10k will definitely boost the economy. Rs. 100 crore for virtual classrooms for online education will surely benefit education field and but not accepted by everyone. Online education in rural areas where there is no girls toilet, infrastructure and abysmal facility, seems to be a bad idea at this point of time.

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By promoting agriculture, Jaitley is focussing on the major section of population which is agriculture. He has made TVs cheaper so that farmers can watch Kisan TV at HD. But what about the fact that this move has added 10% custom duties on telecom products and service tax for broadcast and online advertising. I’m confused here……

Along with Union Budget, Railway Budget is also announced. Proposal to start bullet train between Mumbai- Aurangabad, which runs at a maximum speed of 320 Km/hr and covers 534 Km between the two cities in 2 hrs is among the highlights.

FDI issue is not resolved but put on hold. Not much was said on upgrading of signal systems. Some specifics on PPP were missing. Security and safety are very important for developing country like India, but not much was spoken on railways safety. In total, budget is practical.

Both the budgets has shown positive and negative sides. People have a mixed feeling towards the budget. Time is the answer whether this budget brings positive change or not.

 – Aishwarya. J

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