Selfies! Crash dieting! Either a IPhone or Nexus 5. I have to buy branded products whether it is necessary or not. I need compliments on a regular basis or if I am not noticed, I ain’t beautiful. I have to be a member of the most popular group and get maximum likes on Facebook. The Gen-X of today cannot be blamed entirely for such irrational thoughts. Didn’t you find yourself nodding in affirmative when you read the above? Trends have always created hype and excitement amongst the youth. But the extent/impact of a single trend is really stunning these days.
You don’t have a pair of Aztec print leggings being a “CHICK”? No T-Neck being a “GUY”?! Then you’re not cool. So its perfectly fine to agree for hours together with ur parents at the cost of time and energy that could be spend productively simply because being the person with atleast 300 likes or followers seems more important. Yes the importance of values and meeting up reduces with the rising number of apps to download. ‘WHAT’ are we proving and to ‘WHOM’ are we trying to prove this acclaimed ‘POPULARITY’ to ? The people whose faces we wont recognize in the next 10 years.
The increasing rate of fairness products in the local medical stores and super markets is even more alarming. Infact, one may not usually find basic necessity in a store at rural areas of the country. But fairness creams and products are always available and are fastest selling. So much a waste. When we KNOW that our skin complexion /colour is the same all throughout our lives. Why do we force ourselves to believe a lie that flashes a million times in a day to day life in the form of advertisements?
Instead, why don’t we try understanding the so-called ‘MANTRA’ that the popular believe in? If we don’t love ourselves, no one else can do the same for us.
If we want to be accepted loving in society we got to start it by accepting ourselves first. Loving ourselves first doesn’t necessarily have to include pride and arrogance. It simply means believing that we have a purpose in life and cannot give up because of a failure. We keep improving. I usually like grabbing any opportunity that comes by. So I decided to give interviews for joining atleast one good study group. I failed at the initial few but soon got better and earned myself membership in a group that would suit me best. If we chase trends, we are definitely going to be disappointed. Instead, why can’t we revel in the new? Become a better version of ‘OURSELVES’?