Are we really safe?



We live in a city where travelling is an inevitable part of our lives. We commute in trains, in buses…to college and to our favorite hangouts. But we are always a frightful, scared that somebody might say something, somebody might do something. We are always on a high alert. Gone are the days when Aamchi Mumbai was the safest. Where a girl could walk free and feel safe. When she could breathe freedom and security in the air. When dressing was for the occasion and not for the place. When there wasn’t a monstrosity to such a level that it would shred her identity apart. The growing crimes against women should not make us scared! But it should only make us agitated, so much that v scare the culprits and not the other way round. With Elections coming up, heaps of hopes are thrown at us. But to make sure they are not empty promises, let’s vote. To bring in change. Let’s vote for Us.

–          Kashmeera Tambe

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