Are We Really Superstitious?


Superstition is something which is unnatural and it is a belief that something bad will happen when a particular thing happens. India is one such country that believes in it. We all are superstitious and we cannot deny that fact. We all learn about some or the other superstitions that we have heard from our parents, grandparents and friends etc. some of the most weirdest superstitions are of the ones that are considered bad but when asked why is it bad people have no answers to it. It is one of the weirdest or probably the funniest things you are now going to her.

Some of the beliefs that people have is one shouldn’t give the salt bottle in the hands of the other. What’s the logic behind this? I don’t know it isn’t good it should be kept on the table, but giving it in the hand is a big no, no. another belief is that you should not whistle in the night. The logic behind this even I don’t know.  Some people say the ghost get active if you whistle in the night. Well I would say why do we whistle during the day time then? People say day times ghost are sleeping, well then with our whistle don’t they get disturbed and might just try to haunt you at night because you disturbed them in the noon :-p. funny when all such things are told.

A few more superstitions are as follows:-

  1. Do not cut your nails in the night
  2. When a black cat passes by and cuts your path it means something bad has happened.
  3. When you step on the lime with chillies over it which was been put on the entrance door of someone’s house it is considered bad as you may meet with an accident.
  4. When your palms start scratching and you are taking money from someone means you will get more money.
  5. Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day.
  6. If the mirror breaks.
  7. If a statue of god breaks with its hands and legs separated.
  8. Having twin banana will make you have twin children.
  9. If you hear a crow croaking it means someone’s going to come home to visit you.
  10. If a dog cries at night it means the dog has seen a ghost.
  11. Do not walk under an open ladder you will have bad luck.
  12. If you keep your fingers crossed you can lie without worrying that the person you are swearing upon will be safe.

Such weird superstitions we hear off. May be there are true. It may be a co incident but we do believe in it. In fact we only believe in superstitions because we fear. We fear a lot about what will happen if this happens and that happens. We are more worried about the future happenings. Sometimes we blindly believe while sometimes it is just coincidently things have happened and then we say I told you it is bad luck.

Life is too short to be so scared and worried about every single thing. Worry is the biggest destruction of the mind. It makes you think a lot more than you should it eats up your time and peace of mind and ruins everything. Also by thinking about a certain thing we attract it all the more and thus it leads to a particular event or incident occurring in our life. It is bad we are the ones who attract stuff from happening.

Certain superstitions are good while others are bad. People believe that by burning candles at mount Mary god answers your prayers. Well superstitions are all about beliefs. We too believe in god and yes if you go with a genuine heart and mind then definitely your prayers will be answered. It doesn’t matter if you go with a candle or without god will Handel everything. Often we see all the villagers in India and some people who are illiterate often believe in tan tricks and babas all this isn’t a good thing. They believe that all these people will cure the problems of their family and any evil that has come upon them and their family. Also so many women think that if you want a male child you must have a certain tablet or some spices that make you have a male child. How foolish of them. This isn’t true at all. A child is god’s gift and it has got nothing to do with any tablets. Whatever god gives us we should respect and accept it completely.

Also this weird thing about a black cat passing by or crossing your path is considered bad, is totally weird. How can an animal spoil your day or make it worst. That too the colour of the cat is considered bad. That’s even worst India has always been racist and even when it comes to animals they are being racist and unfair. If something has to happen it will happen. There is no meaning to these weird superstitions, it is all a bogus and it is all about making people fools. Believing on something or no is on us still we are very cautious when we know something will happen when we are told not to.

It is a superstitious world and we all are scared of something bad happening. It is basically the fear of something strange or bad happening that’s why we hesitate on doing something. Even as far as the black cat crossing your path is concerned when you have something important to do and it is something you are awaiting for and then you see the lack cat is when you fear of the good thing not happening. It’s actually all psychological feeling and nothing in reality that would happen. Still if you fear something bad happening just remember god is there and he will work things for you. If it has to happen it will happen and no black cat can make anything happen.

BY Carren bryne.

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