Are You Always Impatient? Learn These 6 Effective Tactics To Stay Calm And Cool



Patience is an important characteristic for living a positive life but being patient is probably the hardest thing on earth. We humans always want and expect things to happen way to fast then it should, and when things do not turn out the way we wish them to be, we often lose our temper and end up being aggressive and take up impulsive decisions. The effects of impatience could be bad or drastic. Therefore one needs to learn the tricks to stay calm and cool in all situations.

  1. Relax and take a deep breath

The moment you feel that you’re getting impatient, anxious, and worried, the first thing you can do is, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let your mind relax, this will help you get yourself in control and move forward with your work. For example, a student is usually tensed and impatient in the examination hall before starting the paper, too much anxiety could lead to bad performance in the exam. So having few breathing exercises could help to calm down.

  1. Reason for impatience

One needs to know how impatience triggers in what kind of situations. Which events, people, phrases, or circumstances seem to influence you? Note down a list of pointers is to why you lose your calm, this will help you reduce the frequency of impatience, makes you aware of the situation that makes you lose control.

  1. Things take time

We are always in a hurry and rush to do things and finish it as fast as possible and forget the fact that things take time to happen and everything on earth has its own time. For example when you have work very hard to achieve something and it’s still not coming to you, you may feel demotivated and discouraged. “Just because something isn’t happening for you right now does not mean that it will never happen”. We need to remind ourselves that everything comes gradually at its appointed hour.

keep cool

  1. Positive outlook

Being always positive possesses a sense of patience. Positivity will keep you motivated all the time and let you not lose hope when things do not occur at the time you wanted it to be.

  1. Accept the unexpected

Expectation is the root cause for all disappointments. We always expect things to happen the way we want it to be and ignore the beautiful things in life, by doing this we complicate ourselves even more. “Except nothing and appreciate everything”. One must learn to accept the unexpected with a thought that maybe the unexpected thing could be way better than what we actually expected.

  1. Find your own ways

If all these things do not work for you, invent your own simple ways to control your impatience and work on it.

Patience is the key to success. Having patience is difficult before it becomes easy. So one must follow a simple mantra, ‘work hard, have faith in yourself and little bit of patience and the best of best things will come your way.’

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Daisy Pais