Are you an ARTS student? Come Join BMS!

Kid – “My Principal has called you tomorrow for a Meeting”.
Moi – “Sure beta. I will reach there on time.”
Principal – “We are happy to say that your child really studies well”.
Moi – (Smiles in mind) “Aakhir aulaad kiski hai!”
Principal – “We must say that your child writes well, good in drawing, and has a great future in the Arts field”.
Moi – (Smiles again) “Yeah!”
Principal – “Well, what have you done? What is your background?”
Moi – “I have done BMS.”
Principal – “BMS? Oh, that ARTS course? Must say Like Parent, Like child.”
Moi – “Sorry! BMS is Bachelors of Management Studies. And it is a Management Course.”
Principal – “Management course? Well, we have always heard it comes under Arts faculty.”
Moi – Who said that?
Principal – No need for anyone to say! My neice is doing BMS and her results got declared yesterday.
Just check this:

New Picture


New Picture (1)

 Moi – Faints!

Arey! Get up… Your friends are calling you since long. Results got declared… Comeon… get up…

Aaah… It was a dream…. ??????

After all Results got declared..

Jaha pass hona mushkil tha.. waha mila surprise….

Jiske parents ko lagta “Arey, yeh kya MANAGER banega? He is well-qualified to become a DAMAGER”, unke aakhon mein kiran ki aasha jagii…

I checked my Results and I became a HALF GRADUATE! But guess what, even my Dream has come HALF-TRUE!

Results were declared in the “Arts Faculty” only.


Was that a dream? Or it was a WARNING… that after BMS, start looking for Arts-related JOBS?

Imagine karte hai… kitna AJEEB lagta hai… that you would be called an “ARTIST” and NOT a “MANAGER”.

Recollecting the line “Management is an Arts and Science”, but did Mumbai University take that seriously?


Agreed… We are good writers… No one can compete us… We are famous for forming our own answers during exams.. We are those “Authors” who can entertain any faculty using our creative and out-of-the-box ideas and answers. We can relate anything with anyone and anyone with anything. We are born talented and blah blah……


But considering our Course in the “Arts Stream”… yeh kaha ka insaaaf hai bhai?!?


Ab What should we expect next from our beloved Mumbai University? Results of Sem 6 to be declared in “Science faculty”?? LOL.


And then we can tag ourselves as an “ALL-ROUNDER” and search JOBS in

Arts and Science – both fields (Thanks to MU for that!)

and give Tough competition to



 Lastly, would like to conclude telling the guy who uploaded our Results in Arts section

“Tore Naina bade Dagabaaz Re!”


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I am Nidhi Shah,a beliver in simplicity.. love talking and making new friends. sometimes a bit childish but can be mature enough when required.My aim is to make my parents happy and do everything which will make them proud of me.


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