Are You An Independent Or Dependent Person? Know The Difference Here



Don’t depend too much on anyone, as even the shadow leaves you when you are in the darkness.

When I was small I used to depend too much on my parent. Being only child I always needed someone for support. My parents were always there for me in any situation. Slowly it was turning into a person who was only dependent on others and not being independent.

My parents started to teach me the importance on being independence. At first I disliked the thought of it then I came to realize the importance of it.

Being independent gave me by own space, made me more confident and strong. I still remember the difference it made in my life.

When it comes to an only child in the family or an elder child in the family, he/she is usually more independent than others. They have a sense of responsibility in them more.

Being independent is not being lonely, it is being strong and confident. Being lonely can be a weakness but being independent is not a weakness, it is always a strong point. 


There are times when you need emotional support and it is not wrong. As humans we tend to emotionally breakdown at a certain point. During such times, instead of being independent and enduring the pain by itself, one can always depend on others for some time for the emotional support.  It is completely fine to do that.

I believe there should be balance between being independent and being dependent, because we are humans we need some emotional support or a push. This support and push can be from a person who is close to us.

Maintaining the balance will help you a lot and will give you benefits. As  it is said everything has a pro and a con being independent also has this side of pro and con.

Being independent will give you confidence and will make you strong. It can also detach you from others emotionally.

One can make mistake and if you are independent you may not know where you have gone wrong and will continue to be confident of yourself even in wrong decisions. 

Same goes with being too dependent as we depend too much on others it becomes a huge problem in our lives. We tend to lose our own existence and follow others. Now that is wrong.

Try to keep the balance between the two and see the difference.

Women tend to face this problem a lot but now the scenario is changing and I hope it gets better and better. Since there is women empowerment which is taking place it has changed the so-called dependent status of women.

Be confident about yourself and keep the balance , have your own wings and fly.




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.