Are You Battling Alcoholism? You Are Not Alone!


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When certain things in life start o bother you we need to cure them from the root cause –Dalai Lama. Habits are things which may lead us our good or bad morals. One such habit harming the society is alcoholism. There are estimated more than 110,000,000,000 alcohol addicts in the world among which are 2.5 million in India alone.

Alcoholism is a show off leading too shameful habits in the future. It has many disadvantages like social unacceptability, loneliness, rash or aggressive behavior so on and so forth. Amid all such problems one organization lends a helping hand is alcohol anonymous. This organization helps you fight your alcohol addiction with full determination and isolation.

An initiative started by Dr Bob Smith, Bill Wilson in America which has now spread in 21 different countries including India. This organization is self sustained and with donations receiving limits put to 3000$ a month in all country centers. Alcoholics anonymous better known as AA is a fellowship of Na hat is narcotics anonymous helping drug addicts.  AA has a mission to stay sober and help sobriety. Alcoholism is a tough word on today’s society.

We the people have mellowed it down to terms like booze, drinking etc. It’s become a social fashion. Though government in India has banned is free advertisement, they too can’t deny that he tax of alcohol is one of the primary resources in government treasury.

With a thought behind everything we do all we have o ask ourselves is why we do it. In every aspect of this question we can see are mistakes and try to rectify them from the roots helping us to answer he next question that is how we should stop it. This combined by the spiritual and self realization techniques of AA we can conclude ourselves to be self reliant and reluctant to a better future.

– Aditya Chavan


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